Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Systems and Design

Research in Systems and Design focusses on interdisciplinary activities ranging from micro and nano systems and specialized robotic devices to bio-robotics and their application in human rehabilitation and augmentation.

1. Magnetic Microsystems and Microrobots:  Prof. Camilo Velez

Research in magnetic micro-systems and micro-robotics. Emphasis on Advanced manufacturing of magnetic materials, biohybrid–powered micro-robots, and micro-robot swarms.



2. Rehabilitation and Augmentation Lab: Prof. Sasha Voloshina

Rehabilitation robotics, prosthetics, exoskeletons, locomotion biomechanics.


3. Robotics and Automation Lab: Prof. J. Michael McCarthy
Design of mechanical systems, computer aided design, kinematic theory of spatial motion.



4. Biorobotics Lab: Prof. David Reinkensmeyer
Robotics, mechatronics, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation, biomechanics, neural control of movement.  Figure: Prof. Reinkensmeyer demonstrates one of his robotic devices created to help patients recover hand and arm function after neurologic damage caused by stroke or spinal cord injury.


5. STREAM - Streamlining Teaching, Research, Equity, Access, and Mentoring in STEM: Prof. Natascha Buswell
Research in graduate engineering education, faculty development, engineering teaching, engineering education research methods.
Figure:  Prof. Buswell teaches Engineering  Academic Writing.



6. Bio- Nano- Micro-Manufacturing Lab: Prof. Lawrence Kulinsky
Development of novel micro- and nano-manufacturing processes for a range of applications, including electrokinetic micro-and nano-assembly, biomedical technology (active drug delivery systems, personalized diagnostic platforms, tissue engineering), and advanced cellular structures. Multidisciplinary research is positioned at the intersection of physics, life sciences, and materials science.




7. Micro-Systems Lab: Prof. Andrei Shkel
Research in design and advanced control of (MEMS); High-precision micro-machined gyroscopes; MEMS-enhanced optical systems; Electro-mechanical and machine-information systems integration.



Examples of Graduate Courses in Systems and Design

  • MAE 242   Robotics
  • MAE 244   Theoretical Kinematics 
  • MAE 245   Spatial Mechanism Design 
  • MAE 247   Micro-System Design   
  • MAE 249   Micro-Sensors and Actuators
  • MAE 250   Bio-Robotics
  • MAE 251   Micro/nano robotics
  • MAE 252   Fundamentals of Microfabrication
  • MAE 253   Advanced BioMEMS Manufacturing Techniques
  • MAE 263  Aviation Systems and the Environment
  • Engr 265   Advanced Manufacturing Choices
  • MAE 281   Design for Human Movement
  • MAE 282   Computational Methods in Design
  • MAE 279   Special Topics in Mechanical Systems
  • Engr 290   Developing Teaching Excellence
  • MAE 291   Research Communication in Engineering

All MAE courses


Participating Faculty

Natascha Buswell

Natascha Buswell, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Teaching in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Graduate engineering education, faculty development, engineering teaching, engineering education research methods

Donald Dabdub

Donald Dabdub, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests: Mathematical modeling of urban and global air pollution, dynamics of atmospheric aerosols, secondary organic aerosols, impact of energy generation on air quality, chemical reactions at gas-liquid interfaces
Research Lab

Lawrence Kulinsky

Lawrence Kulinsky, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Micro- and nano-manufacturing, hybrid manufacturing, microfluidics, electrokinetic phenomena, BioMEMs, personalized diagnostics, drug delivery
Research Lab

Robert Liebeck

Robert Liebeck, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and aircraft design

Marc Madou

Marc Madou, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research Interests: Miniaturization science (MEMS and NEMS) with emphasis on chemical and biological applications; microfabrication, bioMEMS, nanotechnology, C-MEMS and CD-based fluidics

Michael McCarthy

J. Michael McCarthy, Ph.D.

Director of the Performance Engineering Program and Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Design of mechanical systems, computer aided design, kinematic theory of spatial motion
Design Resources

David Reinkensmeyer

David Reinkensmeyer, Ph.D.

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Anatomy and Neurobiology; Biomedical Engineering; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Research Interests: Robotics, mechatronics, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation, biomechanics, neural control of movement
Research Lab

Andrei Shkel

Andrei Shkel, Ph.D.

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Research Interests: Design and advanced control of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS); high-precision micro-machined gyroscopes; MEMS-enhanced optical systems, tools, and prosthetic appliances; electro-mechanical and machine-information systems integration
Research Lab

Jacqueline Thomas

Jacqueline Huynh, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Design of aircraft systems and operations, aviation environmental impacts, aeroacoustics
Research Lab

Camilo Velez

Camilo Velez Cuervo, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Micro/nano robotics, micro/nano device fabrication, microfabrication of magnetic microsystems, magnetic micro/nanostructures, selective magnetization of micro patterns, microsystems (MEMS), biomedical microsystems, semiconductor devices and microfluidics


Alexandra Voloshina, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Research Interests: Wearable robotics, gait rehabilitation, human biomechanics, motor impairment, neural control of movement
Research Lab