Corporate Partners Program

Building Strategic Alliances Between Industry and the UC Irvine Samueli School of Engineering

THE CORPORATE PARTNERS PROGRAM at UCI’s Samueli School of Engineering creates mutually beneficial relationships, connecting the business community to our faculty, students and administrators.

This program helps students gain access to the resources they’ll need to become global leaders in solving important societal challenges. Our ability to provide educational and networking opportunities, encourage intellectual curiosity and inspire ingenuity requires the investment of time, talent and treasure from our corporate community.

For our industry partners, the program builds brand recognition and facilitates interactions with students, faculty and staff. You will be able to form productive networking relationships to meet your recruitment needs. Moreover, companies become key, highly visible collaborators in advancing the school’s mission of developing the next generation of leaders and engineers.

How to Become a Corporate Partner

The annual partnership dues are a philanthropic contribution that will support strategic priorities for both the school and your organization.

For more information and to become a Corporate Partner, contact the Office of Development and Corporate Relations


Corporate Partners

Project Partners

Project Partners

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Contact Info

Keith Yeung
Associate Director of Development
(949) 824-3886