Student Groups

    Engineering students may join any number of student organizations. Most of these organizations are professionally oriented, and in many instances, are local chapters of national engineering societies. A primary function of these groups is to provide regular technical and social meetings for students with common interests. Most of the groups also participate in the annual Engineering Week activities and in other School functions.

    Alpha Eta Mu Beta

    Alpha Eta Mu Beta is the National Biomedical Engineering Honor Society. Established in 1979, Alpha Eta Mu Beta was formed to recognize and encourage excellence in the field of Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering. The purpose of Alpha Eta Mu Beta is to bring these individuals into closer union so as to promote an understanding of the profession.

    American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES)

    The UCI Student Chapter for the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES at UCI) is dedicated to providing all students interested in environmental science and engineering with opportunities for academic, professional, and personal growth. Our goal is to create a dynamic community at UCI that enables students to network with professionals, learn more about their field, and build strong connections with their peers.

    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

    The AIAA is a technical society of 40,000 professional and student members devoted to science and engineering in the field of aerospace. The local chapter's primary activities include seminars, tours of industries, and mentoring for students by professional members.

    American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

    The mission of the AIChE student chapter at UCI is to promote excellence in the Chemical Engineering Department of the UCI School of Engineering by providing resources and support to the undergraduate students so that they can succeed academically and advance professionally.

    American Public Works Association (APWA)

    The student chapter of the American Public Works Association at the University of California Irvine exists to support students and develop their connections with the people, agencies, and organizations that plan, build, maintain, and improve our communities. As a student chapter we will work with APWA to contribute to a higher and a sustainable quality of life.

    American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE)

    One of the larger engineering clubs, ASCE at UCI is a student chapter of the national organization. The ASCE focuses its efforts on interactions with professional engineers, sponsorship of Engineering Week activities, and participation in the annual ASCE Southwest Conference.

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

    The student chapter of ASME at UCI provides the opportunity for Mechanical Engineering majors to meet with professors, organize social events, and participate in events and competitions supported by the ASME national organization.

    Anteater Racing

    A student-led engineering senior design project at the University of California, Irvine (UCI). The program welcomes students of all majors and experience levels, and has a strong core of mechanical, aerospace, and electrical engineers. We build, design, and test cars for the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) collegiate design competition series annually.

    Associated General Contractors (AGC)

    A student chapter of the national organization, ACG at UCI is an academic engineering club for students interested in the construction field.

    Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)

    Our mission as the Biomedical Engineering Society at UC Irvine is to foster an inclusive community for students interested in biomedical engineering through mentorship, career building, project experience, and outreach events for professional development and education.


    A student project where a team designs and builds a car that is powered and stopped entirely through chemical reactions. The car is autonomous and is set to travel a certain amount of distance; the car that stops closest to the finish line wins. The project is separated into three teams, chemical, mechanical, or controls, in which members are given the option to join whichever team they are interested in.

    Chi Epsilon

    This organization is a national engineering honor society which is dedicated to the purpose of promoting and maintaining the status of civil engineering as an ideal profession. Chi Epsilon was organized to recognize the characteristics of the individual that are fundamental to the successful pursuit of an engineering career.

    Chinese Engineering Association (CEA):

    Our club serves Chinese International students. We hope students can get used to university life. We want to build a connection with them in the academic world. Also, our club wants to help them in career development.

    Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)

    The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) is the leading organization dedicated to reducing earthquake risk by advancing the science and understanding of earthquake engineering. The EERI UC Irvine Student Chapter has been established to engage students and provide context to earthquake engineering research and education, as well as afford students networking opportunities with earthquake engineering professionals. Members of the chapter gain valuable experience in the field of earthquake engineering through design opportunities and professional networking, as well as unparalleled education and exposure to the science of earthquake risk.

    Engineering Conference (EC)

    Engineering Conference at UCI is a student-run organization that plans a yearly conference for undergraduate students. UCI Engineering is a three day conference that provides students with a hands-on experience to solve contemporary problems through education, collaboration, and debate, while investing in sustainable solutions. The conference team is divided into chairs, media, operations, outreach, quality, special projects, and web development. The various sub-teams work hard to guarantee students (regardless of their major or year) a personalized experience that would benefit them best in their careers.

    Engineering Student Council (ESC)

    Engineering Student Council is the official student government and umbrella organization of the school of engineering. We communicate directly with the Dean’s Office, faculty, Undergraduate Student Affairs, and other staff in order to properly represent all students and engineering student organizations. Additionally, each of our committees - Student Involvement, Faculty Engagement, Corporate Affairs, Community Outreach - as well as our mentorship program and freshman committee, have the purpose of enhancing students’ college experience and providing them with resources they need to be successful. We emphasize personal development in leadership skills, confidence in communication, and a desire to serve the engineering community.

    Engineering Without Borders (EWB)

    Engineers Without Borders - USA is a volunteer based non-profit organization committed to partnering with developing communities to help meet their basics needs. Engineers Without Borders at UC Irvine is a unique multidisciplinary chapter committed to empowering these communities through leadership, sustainable engineering, public health and various other disciplines.

    Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW)

    Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) is a non profit organization where undergraduate students can join or start their own hands on project that provides sustainable solutions to the issue of climate change. ESW also hosts professional development events where students can meet alumni, industry professionals and other members that share a common interest in a greener earth. Come out to ESW to learn more about our environment and how we can help make it better!

    Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)

    IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) is the international honor society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Our mission is to recognize and prepare future leaders in fields such as electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science and engineering, and computer science. Members consist of students, alumni, and professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments, and are selected on the basis of scholastic standing, character, and leadership.

    Filipinos Unifying Student-Engineers in an Organized Network (FUSION)

    FUSION exists to provide a community that fosters the personal and professional growth of members through the facets of the field of engineering and Filipino culture. Every year, we organize an engineering project competition to give our members an opportunity to develop a variety of technical and leadership skills. Moreover, we are defined by our workshops, mentorships, internships, fitness, and family programs as they help our members thrive academically and expand their professional and social network.

    Global Engineering Brigades (GEnB)

    Global Engineering Brigades is a nonprofit organization that works with undeveloped community members in Honduras to design and build clean and potable water systems. During the school year, GEnB hosts a variety of fundraising events for the annual trip as well as workshops for programs such as Matlab, Solidworks, and EpaNet. GEnB welcomes all backgrounds and majors,  and if you have an interest in underdeveloped communities please email for more information!


    H2Outreach is a graduate student‐led informal education group, organized and mentored by Water PIRE. These students are developing their own outreach projects under the guidance of Water PIRE. Students IMG_2782are learning about outreach, science education, developing learning and program objectives, group work, executing projects, seeking independent funding, and intra‐ and interdisciplinary collaboration. Though this will be led by Water PIRE graduate students, undergraduate students and students from other schools here at UCI (e.g. biology and education) are encouraged to join to ensure activities developed are well‐rounded and multidisciplinary. If you want to get involved with H2Outreach, please email us at New members are always welcome!

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)

    IEEE at UC Irvine is a student organization dedicated to providing students opportunities to gain hands-on experience with projects in preparation for the real-world. Through our organization, students will be able to explore the field of engineering and hone new skills that are fundamental to developing state-of-the-art technology. Our organization is dedicated to helping students become the successful engineer they envision themselves to be so that they can advance technology for humanity in their own passion.

    Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

    ITE is a student chapter of a national group of transportation engineering professionals. Offering opportunities to meet both professionals and other students, ITE focuses its activities on an annual project with practical applications.

    Materials Science Club (Mat Sci Club)

    The Materials Advantage chapter at UCI is supported by ASM, AIST, ACerS, and TMS. MATSCI provides cutting-edge information and networking opportunities to students, faculty, and professionals who are working or interested in materials science engineering.

    Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES)

    MAES is the foremost Latino organization for the development of STEM leaders in the academic, executive, and technical communities. We work daily to promote, cultivate, and honor excellence in education and leadership among Latino engineers and scientists.

    National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

    The NSBE, with almost 6,000 members, is one of the largest student-managed organizations in the country. The Society is dedicated to the realization of a better tomorrow through the development of intensive programs to increase the recruitment, retention, and successful graduation of underrepresented students in engineering and other technical majors.

    Omega Chi Epsilon

    The student chapter of the National Chemical Engineering Honor Society aims to recognize and promote high scholarship, original investigation, and professional service in chemical engineering.

    Phi Sigma Rho (PSR)

    Phi Sigma Rho is a national social sorority for women in science and engineering/engineering technology. Phi Sigma Rho strives to be the foremost social sorority for women that could partner a rigorous science and/or engineering based curriculum. Our core values are friendship, scholarship, and encouragement, which are reflected in our motto: "Together we build the future.”

    Pi Tau Sigma

    The mechanical engineering honor society, Pi Tau Sigma is committed to recognizing those of high achievement. The aim of the organization is to develop the complete engineering student through academic and social activities.

    Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

    SHPE changes lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development. SHPE’s vision is a world where Hispanics are highly valued and influential as the leading innovators, scientists, mathematicians, and engineers.

    Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

    The Society of Women Engineers is a national organization founded in 1950 to provide a safe and supportive community of women engineers. We strive to provide resources to empower women and allow them to achieve their full potential in their work as leaders. We hope to expand the image of the engineering and tech fields as a positive force in improving the quality of life by demonstrating the value of diversity and inclusion.

    Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC)

    The UCI student chapter of SEAOSC introduces students to the field of structural engineering through tours, speakers, and SEAOSC dinners with professional members of the organization.

    Tau Beta Pi (TBP)

    Tau Beta Pi is the oldest national engineering society and the second oldest collegiate honor society in the country. Our chapter focuses on developing well-rounded skills, preparing members for their careers, and giving back to the community. When eligible, candidates will receive an invitation during the beginning of fall or spring quarter. Come talk to us to get to know more!

    Theta Tau

    Theta Tau, the only Co-Ed Professional Engineering Fraternity at UCI, our three pillars of excellence are: Professionalism, Service, and Brotherhood. The purpose of Theta Tau is to Develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members, and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship. We hope to see you at our rush events during the Fall and Spring quarters.

    UCI Engineering Alumni Society

    We are a fun and ambitious group that strives to bring professional, community, and social engagement to that betters the society and all those we affect. We have a wide array of events to involve the family or take a break from work.

    UCI Triangle

    A fraternity where analytically-minded men can bind together to foster honor, friendship, brotherhood, stability and character.


    Zotbotics is a club dedicated to exploring the field of robotics as well as building interesting and creative robots. As a club we are open to all majors and experience levels. We aim to provide a community where students interested in the field of robotics can work on fully functional robots and develop their skills through practical projects and workshops.


    The mission of zotCAMS is to foster undergraduate and graduate involvement in atmospheric and climate science... We strive to expand the image of atmospheric and climate science by enhancing diversity, especially by encouraging participation from underrepresented minorities in STEM fields.