Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Additional Program Information

Policy Regarding Course Substitution Procedures

The applicability of transfer or substitution courses must be approved by the student’s department, the School’s Associate Dean and the Graduate Dean of the University in accordance with Academic Senate regulations. If all core courses are not offered in an academic year, students who graduate in that year can petition to replace the courses that are not offered.  

Course substitution are reviewed on a case by case basis. Please have written approval from the graduate advisor before enrolling in the course you want to substitute. When applying for a course substitution, please submit the approval and statement from your thesis advisor indicating the reason why the nonapproved course is needed. Please submit the following to Stephany Monterroso:

Policy Regarding Internship and CPT Procedures (as of Fall 2017)

The EECS department will no longer be handling Internship/CPT through EECS 290. It will be administered on the School level through SSOE Graduate and Professional Studies Office

When applying for an internship, please enroll into ENGR 291. At the end of the quarter for which the internship is completed, students will need to submit a two-page summary report describing the company and its products or services, the technical aspects of the position, courses they took that helped prepare them for this role and their professional goals as it relates to this internship. An email from the internship mentor/supervisor rating the performance as good/fair/poor or an overall assessment is also required. The grade for the course (S/U) will be assigned based on the summary report and the feedback from the industry mentor. The report and the feedback should be sent to the instructor no later than the end of finals week. 

For international students applying for a CPT, in addition to enrolling into ENGR 291, international students need to submit all required International Center's CPT forms to the Graduate Student Affairs office.

All Ph.D. students are required to complete a Department Internship Authorization form. 

Note: Please email questions pertaining to ENGR 291 to


Please use the following guidelines when registering for your course units

  • EECS292
    • MS Comprehensive Exam Preparation: Students can choose between 1-8 variable units. This is a filler course used to assist MS students in maintaining the 12 unit per quarter minimum. Please note that eight units are the maximum number you can use as "filler" for the entirety of your graduate career. Your other units are expected to be legitimate courses, seminars, research units etc.
  • EECS293
    • Ph.D. Prelim Exam Preparation: Students can choose between 1-8 variable units. This is a filler course used to assist Ph.D. students in maintaining the 12 unit per quarter minimum. Please note that eight units is the maximum number you can use as "filler" for the entirety of your graduate career. Your other units are expected to be legitimate courses, seminars, research units, etc.
  • EECS296
    • MS Thesis Research: Students can choose between 1-16 variable units. Students should sign up for these units if they are conducting MS thesis research under a faculty advisor.
  • EECS297
    • Ph.D. Thesis Research: Students can choose between 1-16 variable units. Students should sign up for these units if they are conducting Ph.D. thesis/dissertation research under a faculty advisor.
  • EECS299
    • Individual Research: Students can choose between 1-16 variable units. Students should sign up for these units if they are conducting individual research under a faculty instructor.

Important Note About EECS299

In the past, some students have used EECS299 as filler units if taken under the EECS Graduate Advisor, however this is not an appropriate use of these units. Only EECS292 and EECS293 are filler units. All students are required to make satisfactory progress towards their degree and having more than eight filler units per quarter is not meeting this requirement. From Fall 2012 onwards, EECS299 will be used only as individual research courses. As such, students should not sign up for them unless they are conducting research with the faculty member chosen. If a student signs up for EECS299 but is not actually conducting research, the grade given will reflect that (i.e., low letter grade or unsatisfactory).

EECS 294 Requirements

In order to receive a “satisfactory” grade, each enrolled student must physically attend four out of the five colloquium seminars. If you miss attending any of the four out of the five seminars within the quarter, you will automatically receive an “unsatisfactory” grade. A short quiz will be given after each seminar and a passing grade is required for four out of the five quizzes. Attendance will be recorded. You must sign-in upon entering the McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium. 

Enrollment Information

How to Enroll in an Undergraduate Course:

  1. Contact the professor of the course stating that you are a graduate student wishing to enroll in their undergraduate course and asking whether or not they approve this request.
  2. If the professor approves, forward the email to the Curriculum Office at In the email, please include your full name, your student ID number, the course number and the five-digit course code for your request.
  3. You will be notified by email when you are able to enroll in the course using WebReg (typically 3-5 business days after the request is submitted).

*As a reminder, only upper division undergraduate courses (100-189) have the potential to count toward your MS degree requirements so students should check with the appropriate graduate advisor for approval. Lower division courses (1-89) cannot be applied to your graduate degree. 

Can We Help You?

  • You need the graduate advisor's signature: Please submit the form to the graduate coordinator's office for processing. It will be passed on to the graduate advisor from there. 
  • If you have questions about administrative matters: Contact the graduate coordinator by phone or email. 
  • If you'd like academic advising: Either drop by the graduate advisor's office during advising hours or submit your question via email. The response time is usually within 24 hours. 

Graduate Advisors

Professor Aparna Chandramowlishwaran
(949) 824-9447 Office

Professor Syed Jafar
(949) 824-1684 Office