Computer Science and Engineering
The Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) undergraduate program is designed to provide students with the fundamentals of computer science, both hardware and software, and the application of engineering concepts, techniques, and methods to both computer systems engineering and software system design.
The CSE program will give students access to multi-disciplinary problems in engineering with a focus on total systems engineering. Students will learn the computer science principles that are critical to development of software, hardware, and networking of computer systems. From that background, engineering concepts and methods will be added to give students exposure to circuit design, network design, and digital signal processing. Elements of engineering practice include systems view, manufacturing and economic issues, and multidisciplinary engineering applications.
Career Paths
Most likely careers will involve building the hardware infrastructure — computers, networks, embedded devices, as well as operating systems, compilers and networking software. The focus is on co-operation between hardware and software to yield the highest performance. Examples of such problem areas would be in traffic management, flight control, earthquake monitoring, automotive control, and smart homes.
Computer Science and Engineering Educational Mission and Goals
Distinctions Between Computing Programs