Frequently Asked Questions
How do I schedule an appointment to meet with an academic counselor?
Appointments are scheduled by calling (949) 824-4334 or by visiting REC 305.
What if I want to see a specific counselor?
Although you may request a specific counselor appointments are generally scheduled during the 1st available time slot.
Are peer academic advisors available for appointments?
No, but our peer academic advisors are available each day for a walk in. Hours are posted in the lobby of REC 305.
I want to add a course but it is after the 2nd week deadline. Can I still add the course?
You may submit an online enrollment exception request to add the course. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification from the instructor that you have been attending the course. Changes after the deadline are never guaranteed.
I want to drop a course but it is after the 2nd week deadline. Can I still drop the course?
You may submit an online enrollment exception request to drop the course. Please note that approval to drop the course is not guaranteed. All requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
I want to change my grade option but it is after the 2nd week deadline? Can I still make this change?
Requests to change grade option are generally approved through the end of 6th week. Following that, only those requests with extenuating circumstances are approved. Please note that all major required courses must be taken for a letter grade.
How do I change my major to engineering?
In order to change to an engineering major, the change of major requirements must be met.
All students wishing to change their major must attend a Change of Major workshop. The date/time for upcoming workshops can be found in the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in REC 305.
I am currently an engineering major but I want to change to a different engineering major. What are the steps?
You should follow the plan of study for your intended major. Once you have met the change of major requirements, you may submit a change of major request.
What does it mean to be on probation?
If your quarterly GPA, your overall GPA or your engineering GPA fall below a 2.0, you will be placed on a 1 quarter academic probation. In order to return to good academic standing, all of these GPAs must be raised to at least a 2.0 within 1 quarter.
What does it mean to be subject to disqualification?
If your quarterly GPA falls below 2.0 for 2 consecutive quarters or below a 1.5 for 1 quarter, you are subject to disqualification and will be required to sign a 3 quarter academic contract. You may be required to sign a continuing contract which permits you to remain in engineering or you may be required to sign an exit contract which permits you 3 quarters to change your major.
I violated my contract, now what?
If you violate the terms of a continuing contract and wish to remain in engineering, you are required to submit a letter of appeal that details the reasons for your performance and your plan to return to good academic standing. The appeal will be reviewed by the Associate Director and a decision will be made based on the feasibility of success in engineering. If you have decided to exit engineering, you do not need to appeal and can simply sign a new exit contract.
If you violate the terms of an exit contract and wish to remain at UCI, you are required to submit a letter of appeal that details the reasons for your performance and your plan to change your major within 1 quarter. The appeal will be reviewed by the Associate Director and a decision will be made based on the feasibility of entering a new major within 1 quarter.
When will I be notified of a decision on my appeal?
Decisions are made within 2 weeks of submission of the appeal letter. Decisions are given via email.
How do I enroll in a course if the prerequisites were not completed at UCI?
Submit a Course Authorization form to the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in REC 305.
How do I request a course substitution, course review or general change to my program of study?
Submit a General Undergraduate Petition to the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in REC 305.
How do I request an update to my degree audit?
Submit a Request for Degree Audit update to the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in REC 305.
How do I enroll in more than 20 units during the academic year?
If you have at least a 3.0 overall GPA, you may request authorization for excess units. This request should be made at REC 305.
How do I enroll in more than 10 units during summer session?
If you have at least a 3.0 overall GPA, you may request approval to enroll in additional units during summer session. Please contact your academic counselor who will then provide a letter of approval to the Summer Session office.
How do I withdraw from UCI?
If you wish to withdraw from the current quarter, submit a Withdrawal form to REC 305 for signature. Once the signature has been obtained, the withdrawal form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
If you wish to withdraw for the following quarter, submit a Withdrawal form to REC 305 for signature. Once the signature has been obtained, the withdrawal form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
How do I readmit to Engineering?
If you withdrew from Engineering and UCI and were in good academic standing (2.0 overall GPA), you may contact the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office for readmission. Once you have been readmitted, you will be required to pay a readmission fee in order to enroll in courses. You need must discuss course enrollment with a counselor in order to be sure you are taking the appropriate courses.
What if I was not in good academic standing when I withdrew from UCI?
If you were not in good academic standing when you withdrew, you will be required to provide documentation of having completed courses while away from UCI. Generally speaking, students must have continued their education with a 3.0 GPA or higher to be considered for readmission.
What if I want to readmit to another major outside of Engineering?
Please contact the academic unit that offers your intended major.
How do I request part-time enrollment (10 units or below)?
Part-time study may be requested for the following 3 reasons: occupation, health or family responsibilities. Documentation is required. If you qualify for part-time study, submit an Undergraduate Petition for Reduced Fee Part-time Study form to the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in RE 305.
What if I need to take more than 10 units after submitting a part-time study form?
Part-time study must be cancelled in order to enroll in more than 10 units. Submit an Undergraduate Petition for Reduced Fee Part-time Study form requesting to cancel the part-time study to the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in REC 305.
I have recently been assigned by Undecided/Undeclared to Engineering. Now what?
First, welcome to Engineering! All students assigned to Engineering during week 6 of Spring quarter will be contacted by an Engineering counselor in order to discuss each student’s intended Engineering major. A plan of study will be created with each student with recommended courses for summer and the upcoming year. Once students have been initially contacted, they may schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor.
Does Engineering offer tutoring?
Yes, Engineering offers free tutoring and mentoring for each of our departments through the Center for Opportunities and Diversity in Engineering (CODE) program. Our mentors are available to discuss the program in general or to assist students with their math, science and engineering courses. Schedules for the mentors are available here and in the Undergraduate Student Affairs Office in REC 305.
What other tutoring resources are available on campus?
The math, physics and chemistry departments all offer free tutoring. Schedules are available on their respective departmental websites.
What is faculty advising?
Faculty advising takes place once a year and is offered by the departments. During this advising session, faculty will present on the different opportunities available in the departments as well as discuss each major and any upcoming changes to the programs of study. This is a great opportunity for students to learn more about their chosen field. Faculty advising is required for each student.
What if I miss faculty advising?
Each department has designated ways to make up a missed advising session. If you missed faculty advising, a hold will be placed on your enrollment until you have completed the make-up assignment. Please contact your academic department for more details.
Why do I have a hold on my record?
First, you must identify which department placed the hold. Once you’ve done that, you should contact that respective department in order to determine what must be done to resolve the hold. If you have a financial hold, you must contact Financial Services.