
What's an Externship?

Externships are experimental learning opportunities, similar to internships, which give CEE students short practical experiences in their field of study. Externships can last for a few hours to a few days. The host organization can tailor the experience as they see fit. Due to the short duration compared to internships, externships can be easily completed during a student’s winter or spring break or other interims. Externs are closely supervised by host employee volunteers to walk them through day-to-day routines at the company or organization. The experience may also allow students to apply their coursework learning to a real life setting.

What's the Benefit?

Externships benefit students by offering them an experience to sample careers and a chance to observe and ask questions. They may also help validate initial career desires early in the academic process. They are not only conducted for the benefit of the extern, but also for the host. Both parties get a chance to observe one another. Ultimately, externships can lead to internships, networking opportunities and possible job openings.

Are You a CEE Student Interested in an Externship?

If you have interest in participating in an externship, please contact cee.affiliates@uci.edu for more information.