Color Palette
This color palette may be used in printed documents, charts, graphs and PowerPoint presentations. Shown on this page are color specifications for the school's logos and wordmarks for use in web/digital RGB applications.
Please refer to either a swatch book or the formulas outlined in this section and please do not use this section or the output of a desktop color printer for color matching.
The secondary color palette (shown below) can be used to embellish pamphlets, brochures, PowerPoint presentations, websites and other collateral material.
If you have any questions, please contact Thank you.
Download the PDF color palette here.
Primary Color Palette
CMYK: 100/66/0/33
RGB: 3/56/109
Web: #00386d
CMYK: 0/30/100/0
RGB: 245/169/15
Web: #f5a90f
Secondary Color Palette
CMYK: 100/75/35/30
RGB: 32/48/67
Web: #203043
CMYK: 100/70/40/0
RGB: 40/71/96
Web: #284760
CMYK: 100/40/30/0
RGB: 30/106/132
Web: #1e6a84
CMYK: 75/20/30/0
RGB: 82/129/136
Web: #528188
CMYK: 65/10/40/0
RGB: 112/160/149
Web: #70a095
CMYK: 50/0/50/0
RGB: 158/199/153
Web: #9ec799
Contact Info
Shelly Nazarenus
Director of Communications
Phone: 949-824-9622