Donald Dabdub
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
B.S., Lehigh University, Chemical Engineering, 1990
M.S., California Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering, 1992
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering, 1995
Dabdub is interested in the mathematical modeling of air pollution dynamics.
His research is conducted in two areas: atmospheric sciences and computational sciences. Working in the area of atmospheric sciences, his work is aimed at the mathematical modeling of urban and global air pollution, understanding the dynamics of atmospheric aerosols and global climate change. Within the realm of computational sciences, Dabdub is interested in massively parallel computations, the numerical analysis of partial differential equations and the development of problem-solving environments.
His current activities include a modeling study of Cl2 formation from aqueous NaCl particles; development of a semi-Lagrangian flux scheme for the solution of the aerosol condensation/evaporation equation; development of a two-level time-marching scheme using splines for solving the advection equation; and an investigation into the effect of alveolar volume and sequential filling on the diffusing capacity of the lungs.
His work can be applied to foster a better understanding of air pollution and the dynamics of global climate change.