Media Watch

E&E News

Raising an entire island? That's 'insane'

E&E News -
"They're facing the possibility of chronically flooded streets within the decade," said Brett Sanders, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at UC Irvine. "Without actions, you're going to have chronically flooded streets and neighborhoods that are unlivable unless steps are taken."

Scientist And Innovator Dr. Michelle Khine: 'Growing Up, Nobody Thought I Was Smart'

Forbes -
So what does it take to be a female STEM leader? Dr Michelle Khine, biomedical engineering professor at the University of California, Irvine, and scientific co-founder of stem cell biotechnology company Novoheart, offers her insights.
PBS NewsHour

How to save energy in your home with these smart, affordable upgrades

PBS News Hour -
Jack Brouwer, professor of engineering at UCI, recommends: “Let’s start in the kitchen, where appliances suck up the most energy. The best time to run, say, a dishwasher is just before you leave for work or during the day ... That’s when fewer people use these appliances, so it’s helping the grid work more efficiently. And that’s a no-cost change in habit that benefits everyone.”

Los Angeles' notorious traffic problem explained in graphics

"Los Angeles and Southern California, in general, have relatively poor (public) transit services," says Michael G McNally, a professor at the Institute of Transport Studies at the University of California, Irvine. "There really aren't options (other than) cars for most travel in most areas. But even within transit-served areas, overall travel times are much greater by transit than by car."

Can Iran and Afghanistan cooperate to bring an oasis back from the dead?

Science -
Yet Soroosh Sorooshian, a water expert at the University of California, Irvine, is convinced that the Hamouns are not a lost cause. “Experience has shown that water bodies that have dwindled to nothing can bounce back,” he says. “It might take decades, but there is still hope.”
The Sacramento Bee

Minute by minute: What if Oroville Dam’s spillway had failed one year ago?

The Sacramento Bee -
Here’s a conceptual chronology of the near-catastrophe, based on a sophisticated UC Irvine computer analysis that wasn’t available to state officials during the emergency. … This chronology of a hypothetical Oroville spillway failure is based on an analysis by FloodRise, a research project led by UC Irvine that uses computer models to map flood risks.
New Food Economy

How cow poop could power the emissions-free hydrogen car of the future

New Food Economy -
But who’s going to make sure all the equipment is working properly and negotiate with the gas companies? … “In this day and age, it’s all case by case,” says Scott Samuelsen, a professor and director of the National Fuel Cell Research Center and the Advanced Power and Energy Program at the University of California, Irvine.

Mega Cities Poised to Become the Hottest and Most Dangerous Places Under Climate Change

Futurism -
A team of researchers from the University of California, Irvine analyzed data from 9,000 weather stations around the world and determined the global temperature has increased by 0.19 degrees Celsius each decade for the last 50 years. They also noted that the increase was even more pronounced in the last 30 years — a 0.25 degree-increase each between 1986 and 2015.

The 10 CEOs Transforming Healthcare In America

Forbes -
As a $3.3 trillion business comprising 17.9% of our GDP, healthcare in America is not only a major economic force but something that impacts each of us personally.

Hotter summer highs means cities face increasingly deadly risks

Reuters -
“There are more than a billion people living in extreme poverty, with many of them living in megacities and large urban centres. These are people struggling to survive,” said Simon Michael Papalexiou, … [UCI] environmental engineer and the lead author of the study. … Amir AghaKouchak, a civil engineer and co-author of the study, said growing urban heat risk will require city authorities to think about new measures save lives - something some are already putting in place.
