Media Watch

EE Times

SoC could power Star Trek-like medical scanner

EE Times -
"The applications range for our patented device range from imaging, sensing, spectroscopy, radar, and short-range indoor communications," Payam Heydari, UCI professor of electrical engineering and computer science, told EE Times in an exclusive interview.

UCI team's Hyperloop pod is ready to race in SpaceX competition on Sunday

Daily Pilot -
When a handful of UC Irvine students heard about the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition almost two years ago, they began work on their own designs in hopes of building a prototype for a high-speed ground transportation system.
Orange County Business Journal

Profs honored

Orange County Business Journal -
University of California, Irvine engineering Professor Michelle Khine and Provost, Executive Vice Chancellor, and Distinguished Professor Enrique Lavernia have been named 2016 fellows of the National Academy of Inventors.
Los Angeles Times

How much rain did we get? Ask the iRain app, created at UC Irvine

Los Angeles Times -
With forecasters predicting the most powerful storm in a decade in Northern California this weekend — and more precipitation likely throughout the state in the coming days — UC Irvine engineers are hoping researchers, hydrologists and weather enthusiasts will make the most of their iRain mobile app.

2016 in review: UC Irvine researchers have an influential year

Daily Pilot -
From indoor labs to outdoor power plants, headline-grabbing scientific research could be found in every nook and cranny at UC Irvine in 2016.
Los Angeles Magazine

Inching Ahead with Hyperloop

Los Angeles Magazine -
Elon Musk has steered clear of trying to realize his vision for tubular transport, but now his company SpaceX is hosting a pod-building competition.
Popular Mechanics

How simple hydrogen could solve renewable energy's biggest problem

Popular Mechanics -
One promising solution is hydrogen storage, and the University of California, Irvine just launched the first such project in the United States, paving the way for other universities or municipalities to do the same.
IEEE Spectrum

Why the Automotive Future Will Be Dominated by Fuel Cells

IEEE Spectrum -
Scott Samuelsen, director of the National Fuel Cell Research Center, located at UC Irvine, [writes]: You’d have to be completely uninterested in cars or any other type of transportation to not recognize that automobiles are undergoing a major transition.

UCI tries solving this problem: We have sun and wind for power, but how do we store it?

Orange County Register -
An experiment at UC Irvine could offer a solution to a problem that’s holding back the widespread expansion of clean energy – how to store carbon-free power over long periods.
The New York TImes

Australia’s Lesson for a Thirsty California

The New York Times -
On his first visit to Melbourne in 2009, Stanley Grant, a drought expert and professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Irvine, had a question for his taxi driver. “How’s the drought?” he asked. “It’s about 28 percent,” came the reply. Grant was puzzled. But shortly afterward, they drove past an electronic road sign announcing that the city’s reservoirs were indeed at just 28 percent of capacity.
