Review Process FAQ’s


How many external letters must be independent?

The majority (but at least 4) must be independent. That means no formal research collaborations or co-authored publications within 4 years.

Do external letters need to be coded?

Yes, all external letters must be coded. The file name should not include the name of the letter writer, but should match the coding on the AP-11 and the documents. Examples (“External Referee Letter A” or External Referee Letter 1,” etc.)

What is the purpose of the AP-11?

The AP-11 identifies and provides qualifications of external referees and identifies if the letter writer is independent vs. co-authored. It is important that the information on this form be accurate and that the coding on this form matches all letters and file names. Review this form for accuracy as CAP examines this document carefully, particularly in respect to independence!

What if I need to make updates to the letters on the AP-11 or the letters?

External letters and the AP 11 can be reordered, deleted or replaced until the candidate is notified to sign the Certification of Departmental Review. Candidates can request redacted versions of the new external referee letter(s) before signing the certification.

Are letters required for all promotion cases?

Letters are NOT required for advancement to Professor Step VI. CAP, or other levels of review, may request letters if they feel it is necessary to make a decision. The candidate also has the right to request that the Chair solicit external evaluation letters. If the request is denied, the candidate can note this in their file.

Are letters from other UC faculty required?

For Advancement to Professor VI (if letters are obtained) and Above Scale, letters from appropriate UC faculty (e.g., at or above the promotion rank under review) are strongly recommended, as these are UC specific steps/ranks. Same holds for major accelerations and/or combined major acceleration and promotions. Since tenure and full professor steps are well known and standard promotions, UC letters are not as critical – and letters from prominent people at prominent schools often suffice.

Sample Letters

See attached sample letters of solicitation for Accelerations, Promotions to Associate, Step IV, Full, and Above Scale (right sidebar). Some letters contain different verbiage for Internal or External to UC and Accelerations. Choose the language that is most appropriate.

Chair and Department Letters

Are separate chair letters required?

Separate chair letters are always required unless the AP-25 form is used. Chairs can vote as a faculty member or as the chair. In the former case, the chair can write an independent letter summarizing the discussion of the faculty meeting and/or provide objective data. In the latter case, the chair can write a separate, confidential chair opinion letter, including the chair’s recommendation.

Should department letters include voting information?

Yes, department letters should clearly state who voted and who abstained. The department letter must be uploaded in final form ONLY. Names should not be included. The number of those who voted in each rank should be listed. Voting procedures must be consistent with bylaw 55.

The following is one of the most complicated cases (w.r.t. number of options). In most cases, the options will be more limited. Professor X is currently at Assistant Professor, Step V.

Rank Eligible to Vote In Favor of Associate Step III (2 Year Acceleration) In Favor of Associate Step II In Favor of Associate Step I In Favor of Assistant Step VI (Merit Increase) In Favor of Assistant Step V (No Change) In Favor of Non-reappointment
Professor 9 3 2 1      
Associate Professor 4 4          
Assistant Professor 4 4          
Total 17 11 2 1      

Accelerated options can be listed only if they are discussed and considered during the faculty meeting (i.e., default is not having them unless specifically addressed by the department faculty).

Please also indicate the following if applicable:

  • The Chair records his/her vote separately
  • The Provost does not participate in academic review cases at the department level
  • The Dean does not participate …..

When can the AP-25 form be used?

Can be used for all Dean Delegated and normal merit actions reviewed by CAP. When using for an online REVIEW file, complete Part 1 only, convert to normal PDF or print and scan, then upload.

Are electronic signatures ok?

Yes, electronic signatures or electronic certification is acceptable. For example, Chair’s letter or departmental letter can be without signatures, since the chair certifies the file electronically. If the file is on paper the corresponding signature is required on all documents.


Why is myData no longer mandatory for an academic review?

The decision to no longer use myData was made based on the result of a survey administered by Academic Personnel which can be found here:

What should be used in place of MyData?

There are two options:

  • Word version of the Review Profile (AP-10, Addendum)
    • A resource of capturing course information is being developed, in the meantime it can be obtained by generating a Review Profile from myData
  • myData will be available until June 2018 for those who want to continue to use it
    • Central support will no longer be available for data entry
    • Support will continue for user questions and issues

Beginning Fall 2018, myData will no longer be available to our users. Although the system will no longer be available, the campus will still retain all of the data that has been entered into the system and faculty will have access to their information. In the event that the campus decides on adopting a new system, the data from myData will be transferred and reused.

AP Review

What if the proposed action changes?

The faculty vote determines the designation for the proposed action. If the proposed action changes after discussion and vote of the faculty (e.g., a normal merit becomes an accelerated or becomes a no-change), the official `default’ will need to be changed. A paper file may require a different checklist and action summary form. An electronic file may need to be removed and a new electronic file to be created, consistent with the vote.

Which files should be in AP Review and which files on paper?

AP Review is mandatory for ALL senate actions, excluding appointments and non-reappointments. Additionally, files that fall under any of the categories below cannot be run through AP Review:

  • Reviews representing split appointments (split titles or split schools/departments).
  • Reviews for Department Chairs (requiring a “surrogate” Department Chair), Deans, CAP members.
  • Reviews of individuals with whom the Chair has a conflict of interest (i.e., current or recent grants, collaboration, student co-advising, etc.), which create the need for a surrogate Chairs.
  • Note: Surrogate Chairs, if needed, will be appointed by the Dean’s office.
  • Reviews for Non-Senate titles (with the exception of Health Sciences Clinical Professor series). Functionality for non-senate titles will be available Winter 2018.

Are all items on the appointment/merit/promotion checklist required? What if we did not provide this information previously?

Yes, all items on the checklist must be provided unless otherwise noted. In addition, all documents must be in order as listed on the checklist. Files with missing items or items out of order will be returned to the department for correction. Only submit publication links (no hard copies of publications unless work cannot be scanned to links).

What are the specific requirements for Advancement to Professor, Step VI & Above Scale?

  • Advancement to Professor, Step VI – Review profile provided is since appointment/promotion to full professor. Teaching evaluation and creative materials for last 5 years only.
  • Advancement to Professor, Above Scale – Review profile provided is since appointment/advancement to Professor, Step VI or above. Teaching evaluation and creative materials for last 5 years only.

AP Review Resources

An overview of the Review system, user guides and manuals can be found on the AP website at:

Publications & Documents

What constitutes evidence of teaching and how many are required?

Two are required. Teaching evaluations (and summary data) are one piece of evidence. The syllabus that faculty compile to meet ABET requirements, a teaching self-statement (list, descriptive or reflective), teaching awards or peer evaluation that describes and evaluates specific approaches, strengths and challenge can be a second piece.

How should I provide publication information?

  • The URL/link to publications should be prominent at the beginning of the publications section.
  • For papers “in press,” include the acceptance letter with the publication and mention its inclusion just below/above the link to the URL.

Can a faculty member use their personal website to list publications?

Publications should be on a public website so reviewers can easily review. CAP’s preferred repository for publications is Webfiles. Publication files should be open to the public and not be password protected. Independent of location, numbering on publications should be consistent with the review profile (i.e., same numbers and letters and same order of listing – no work in progress or submitted).

Should previous profiles be provided for comparison?

To prevent listing papers and/or grants previously used, it is suggested that the candidate, chair and drafting committee are provided a copy of the previous review profile.

When can the AP-25 form be used?

Can be used for all Dean Delegated and normal merit actions reviewed by CAP. When using for an online REVIEW file, complete Part 1 only, convert to normal PDF or print and scan, then upload.

Are electronic signatures ok?

Yes, electronic signatures or electronic certification is acceptable. For example, Chair’s letter or departmental letter can be without signatures, since the chair certifies the file electronically. If the file is on paper the corresponding signature is required on all documents.

Other Reminders

  • Information on each document must be consistent. (I.e. when using templates be sure to update all information).
  • Please do not paperclip any documents

Additional Resources