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Scientists find secret to 'uncrushable' bug's strength

France24 (AFP) -
Now [UCI] scientists have found a jigsaw-like mechanism in their exoskeletons that helps the little creature tolerate forces up to 39,000 times its own body weight. Their discovery could have implications for engineering and robotics, experts say, and even challenge the position of cockroaches as models of insect indestructibility. Read More
Yahoo News

Scientists discover design secrets of nearly indestructible beetle

Yahoo News (PA Media) -
The study, led by engineers at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) and Purdue University found that the diabolical ironclad beetle’s strength lies in its two armour-like elytron that meet at a line, called a suture, running the length of the abdomen. Read More
Science Alert

This beetle's shell is so diabolically tough it can be driven over. Now we know how

Science Alert -
And scientists have just used a suite of tools to discover the physical and mechanical properties that give the diabolical ironclad beetle its incredible fortitude. "The ironclad is a terrestrial beetle, so it's not lightweight and fast but built more like a little tank," said materials scientist David Kisailus of the University of California Irvine. "That's its adaptation: It can't fly away, so it just stays put and lets its specially designed armour take the abuse until the predator gives up." Read More
Science News

The diabolical ironclad beetle can survive getting run over by a car. Here’s how

Science News -
The diabolical ironclad beetle, which dwells in desert regions of western North America, has a distinctly hard-to-squish shape. “Unlike a stink beetle, or a Namibian beetle, which is more rounded … it’s low to the ground [and] it’s flat on top,” says David Kisailus, a materials scientist at the University of California, Irvine. In compression experiments, Kisailus and colleagues found that the beetle could withstand around 39,000 times its own body weight. Read More
Nature International Weekly Journal of Science

Zoology: Secrets of the ‘uncrushable’ diabolical ironclad beetle

Nature -
Lacking the ability to fly away from danger, this insect has crush-resistant exoskeletal forewings (called elytra), which means that it is able to withstand crushing and piercing strikes from predators and can survive being run over by vehicles. … David Kisailus, [UCI professor of material science and engineering] and colleagues report the structural features and material composition of the elytra, which allow the beetle to withstand forces of up to 149 newtons (approximately 39,000 times its body weight). Read More
The Daily Mail

Crush-resistant exoskeleton allows the diabolical ironclad beetle to survive being run over by a CAR

Daily Mail -
[UCI] scientists analysed the beetle's elytron – a hardened set of forewings that protect the more delicate hindwings underneath – to learn more about the miraculous material. … Using advanced microscopy, spectroscopy and mechanical testing, the authors observed a series of interlocked jigsaw-shaped joints at the middle of the elytra. Read More
Inside Science

Scientists discover the secret of this beetle's super armor

Inside Science -
The diabolical ironclad beetle can survive getting run over by a car. Now, scientists have unlocked the secrets of its armor's strength -- research that may one day help improve aircraft, cars and drones. … "We see a lot of potential applications -- not just in aerospace, but also in the automotive industry, and in drones," said study senior author David Kisailus, a materials scientist at the University of California, Irvine. Read More
Live Science

You can't squish this 'iron' beetle. Now, scientists know why.

Live Science -
Diabolical ironclad beetles are almost unbreakable — you can smack them, stomp on them or run them over with a car, and they'll scamper away uncrushed. Now, [UCI] scientists know why these beetles' outer wing cases, known as elytra, are so tough — they're made up of a series of smoothly interlocking puzzle parts; the geometry and internal structure of this "jigsaw" design increase the strength of the beetle's armor. Read More
The Guardian

Scientists reveal how diabolical ironclad beetle can bear huge weights

The Guardian -
“We were impressed. Especially given that this beetle does not contain any mineral – just organic components,” said Prof David Kisailus, co-author of the study from the University of California, Irvine.Writing in the journal Nature, Kisailus and colleagues report how they examined the structure of the beetle’s exoskeleton to understand what makes it so tough. Read More
Boing Boing

How the diabolical ironclad beetle survives getting run over by a car

Boing Boing -
What makes the diabolical ironclad beetle (the insect's actual common name) so indestructible? To find out, researchers at the  University of California, Irvine and their colleagues repeatedly drove over them with their cars. Yes, the creepy crawlers survived the tire test and countless other more exacting compression tests in the laboratory. After years of research, materials scientist David Kisailus and grad student Jesus Rivera determined that it’s the combination of the material and structure of the beetle's exoskeleton which is different than other beetles. Read More


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