Ender Ayanoglu
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Ph.D., Stanford University, Electrical Engineering, 1986
M.S., Stanford University, Electrical Engineering, 1982
B.S., Middle East Technical University, Electrical Engineering, 1980
Ayanoglu's previous research covers various areas of communications, including lossless and lossy data compression, voiceband modems, optical networks, packet networks (both ATM and IP networks), wireless packet networks, fixed wireless broadband access, and wireless LANs. This research resulted in the development of 56K modems, techniques of optimum design for WDM networks, the IEEE-ISTO BWIF fixed wireless access standard, and most recently, a Viterbi decoding technique for IEEE 802.11a networks that improves decoder performance by 10 dB in fading wireless channels.
Ayanoglu's current research interests are in next generation wireless, broadband and optical communications. He is interested in the design, analysis and optimization of communication systems, algorithms and chips for broadband ubiquitous communications.