Educational Mission of the Biomedical Engineering Program

Program Educational Objectives:

  1. Provide students with a solid foundation and training in the fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering;
  2. Provide a broad background in engineering sciences and their application to biomedical problems through design and problem-based learning;
  3. Provide opportunities for teamwork, clinical and industrial rotations, independent research, open-ended problem solving, critical thinking, and lifelong learning; and
  4. Prepare students for a career in the biomedical engineering industry or graduate school.

Program Outcomes for undergraduate students in Biomedical Engineering:

  1. An ability to apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, biological sciences, physical sciences, and engineering to health-related problems.
  2. An ability to design and conduct biomedically relevant experiments, as well as to quantitatively analyze and interpret data.
  3. An ability to apply experimental techniques and skills in conjunction with theoretical and computational approaches to tackle biomedical engineering problems.
  4. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams and to collaborate effectively with life scientists and clinicians.
  5. An ability to apply the phases of design (need identification, problem definition, synthesis, analysis, optimization, evaluation, and presentation) in order to propose a feasible solution to a variety of biomedical problems.
  6. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility required of all engineers, and the unique ethical responsibilities of engineers working in health-related fields.
  7. An ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing, particularly with engineers possessing little or no knowledge of biology and with biologists possessing little or no knowledge of engineering.
  8. A broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
  9. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
  10. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
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