Alternative Energy for California: Nuclear Plants

Friday, June 16, 2006 - 3:00 p.m. to Saturday, June 17, 2006 - 7:55 p.m.
Sponsored by the UC Irvine Civil & Environmental Engineering Affiliates

$25 at the door, cash or check payable to UC Regents
Full buffet breakfast included

UCI University Club weblink

801 East Peltason Drive

Irvine, Calif.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Jayne Hess at (949) 824-4757 or

The population of California is expected to increase by approximately 25%, from 37 to 46 million by 2025. There will be a corresponding increase in electrical energy demand.

  • Nuclear energy is undergoing a worldwide renaissance, with 26 new plants under construction outside the U.S.
  • Our civil infrastructure systems are very dependent on electrical power, from our buildings to our water systems.
  • At the same time it is becoming increasingly difficult to build and operate new hydrocarbon based power plants.
  • In addition, conservation will have a more limited role because most of the easy energy savings have been implemented.

For these reasons we must expand alternative energy sources, nuclear, solar, and wind.

Join the UC Irvine Civil and Environmental Affiliates in a stimulating seminar series as they cover these and additional topics relating to alternative power options for California. The first seminar will explore recent advances in nuclear technology that could enable nuclear energy to provide more than the 20% of electric energy currently produced in the state.

Series I. Nuclear Plants

7 a.m.

7:45 a.m.

Yazdan Emrani
President, CEE Affiliates

Dean Nicolaos G. Alexopoulos
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Professor Masanobu Shinozuka
Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

8 a.m.  – 12 p.m. (break at 10 a.m.)

Program Moderator
Professor Jan Scherfig
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

"The Electricity Demand and Planning in California
David Vidaver, California Energy Commission (CEC)
California's electricity outlook and longterm resource planning.

“Electricity Supply for Southern California, 2025”
Brian Katz,
Southern California Edison
Plans for new supplies will be discussed, as well as the role of nuclear energy from the San Onofre generating station.

“The Nuclear Energy Experience in France”
Bernard Estève,
AREVA North America
In addition to describing the French nuclear system, the talk will cover France's nuclear waste disposal.

“Making Nuclear Power a Choice”
John M. Stamos,
Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy
Current status for building new nuclear power plants. The U.S. Government is seeking to improve the policy framework to enable easier permitting and construction.

“Recent Advances in Reactor Design”
Thomas Caine,
General Electric and Michael Wade, Westinghouse
Both nuclear power plant suppliers are in the process of regulatory approval of several new power plants in Eastern United States. The new designs promise to be more economical, safer, and of a simpler construction.

“Nuclear Power – Electricity and More”
John M. Stamos,
Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy
An environmental perspective on the global environmental benefits of nuclear power generation.

“New Reactors Under Construction in the World”
Edward Quinn,
Past President, American Nuclear Society
At present there are 26 new nuclear power plants under construction outside the United States. This presentation will provide an overview of the different design features, as well as a review of waste handling.


Assemblyman Chuck DeVore
70th Assembly District of California

11:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

All Speakers

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