Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  • M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering with a concentration in EE or CpE  READ MORE

  • Guinness World Record for flying a drone through the internet from halfway around the world  READ MORE

  • Award supports improved performance of autonomous vehicles. READ MORE

  • Micro biosensor to monitor real-time brain activity developed by UCI engineers  READ MORE

  • Playing an integral role in the modernization of society  READ MORE

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Message from Chair

Welcome to the UC Irvine Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), where the seemingly magical becomes reality. Ever wonder how your phone can pinpoint your precise location on a map?  Or how a self-driving car can parallel park? Or how a thin piece of glass no bigger than a human hair can carry 100 million Zoom sessions at once? Or how a device can interpret the signals in your brain and convert them into arm or leg movements?  Do you want to learn about these "magic tricks" and not only impress your friends and family, but most importantly help improve the human condition? Let us here in the EECS (pronounced "eeks") department show you the way and help launch you on a career in which you will develop the next generation of "magic."


The UCI EECS Department is a Cadence University Program member.  Details can be found at

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Contact Info

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
2200 Engineering Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-2625