Li Recognized for Mentoring Undergraduate Research
Calit2 Director G.P. Li honored for his outstanding work in mentoring undergraduate students.
One faculty member and one student from each school were recognized for their contributions during an awards ceremony held May 19, 2018, at the UCI Student Center during the annual research symposium, hosted by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).
Li is director of CALIT2, INRF and a professor with appointments in three departments: electrical engineering and computer science, chemical engineering and materials science, and biomedical engineering. As CALIT2 director, he has collaborated with UROP for more than a decade, helping students discover research through two cosponsored programs: the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Information Technology and the Multidisciplinary Design Program.
An outspoken proponent of training students in hands-on research, Li believes it is crucial for molding them into future innovators. “In research, there are obstacles and failures along the way,” he said. “Students learn to regroup, ask hard questions and try again. Students need to learn how to fail so they can ultimately succeed. I’m pleased that I’ve been able to contribute to this important part of their education.”