Civil and Environmental Engineering Chair Receives Prestigious ASCE Robert H. Scanlan Medal Award

Seventh distinguished ASCE award received since 1993

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has presented Masanobu Shinozuka, Ph.D.,  with the Robert H. Scanlan Medal in honor of his many accomplishments and contributions to the area of engineering mechanics.  Shinozuka is a distinguished professor and chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering department. This marks the seventh distinguished award Shinozuka has received from the ASCE since the beginning of his honorary membership in 1993. 

The Robert H. Scanlan medal is awarded on an annual basis to individuals in recognition of “distinguished achievement in engineering mechanics based upon scholarly contributions to both theory and practice,” and is funded by The Johns Hopkins University.

Shinozuka, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, is an internationally respected expert in earthquake and structural engineering, especially in field theory and risk assessment methodology in civil engineering.

Much of his research focuses on continuum mechanics, micromechanics, stochastic processes and fields, structural dynamics and control, and earthquake and wind engineering.  Practical applications include earthquake engineering in buildings, bridges, lifeline and environmental systems, highlighting the multidisciplinary aspects of infrastructure system problems.

Shinozuka’s past ASCE honors include the Theodore von Karman Medal, the C. Martin Duke Award, the Moisseiff Award, the Nathan M. Newmark Medal, the Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal, and the Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize.

For additional information about his research, please visit Shinozuka’s laboratory website.