Media Watch

UC researchers gather around the fire

Farm Progress -
Early one morning in May, students and staff from UC Irvine and UC Riverside gathered at the South Coast Research and Extension Center to collect data for their own research projects. South Coast REC, located in Irvine, is part of a statewide network of research and education facilities operated by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. ...Tirtha Banerjee, [associate] professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Irvine, coordinated the field day with [Luca] Carmignani …. Jacquelynn Nguyen, a Ph.D. student in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department at UC Irvine, is interested in understanding how ash from wildfires and prescribed burns can be used as a treatment for per- and polyfluorinated substances. PFAS are a group of “forever chemicals” that can be found in heat-resistant materials – including fire extinguisher foam – and are extremely difficult to eliminate. Read More

Sustainable Aviation Hydrogen Powerplant Developer Hydroplane has Been Awarded a Prestigious Caltestbed Voucher from The California Energy Commission

Hydrogen Central -
Sustainable aviation hydrogen powerplant developer Hydroplane has been awarded a prestigious CalTestBed voucher from the California Energy Commission to conduct testing and accelerate commercialization of its revolutionary new electric propulsion system. … The award will permit Hydroplane to conduct ground-based commercialization studies at the National Fuel Cell Research Center (NFRC) at the University of California at Irvine. The team will assess performance of the fuel cell powerplant in conditions that simulate the flight environment – for example, changes in altitude and temperature. Read More
Los Angeles Times

Wildfire burn areas in California are growing ever larger due to greenhouse gas emissions

Los Angeles Times -
Study authors determined that California wildfires consumed five times more area between 1996 and 2021 than in the 25 years prior — an increase chiefly attributed to climate change. Researchers also determined that the 50-year period as a whole saw a 172% increase in burn area. “This is very, very high,” said study co-author Amir AghaKouchak, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at UC Irvine. “Even if it was much lower, still it would be significant, but 172% is really serious.” [Subscription required, you can request an electronic copy of the article by sending an email to] Read More

Climate change has fueled larger wildfires in California, scientists say

The area burned from wildfires in California’s northern and central forests increased fivefold from 1971 to 2021, an increase driven largely by human-caused climate change, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. … “It has become clear that anthropogenic climate change is the major driver of this increase in wildfire damage,” Amir AghaKouchak, a UCI professor of civil and environmental engineering and a co-author of the paper, said in a release. … “By acting now to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions and pursue more sustainable transportation, energy production and agricultural practices, we can reduce the adverse effects of global climate change.” Read More

Your Daily Phil: Around the Web

eJewish Philanthropy -
Susan and Henry Samueli, who recently made an unprecedented donation to Israel’s Beilinson Hospital, donated $50 million to the University of California Irvine’s engineering school to create three new multidisciplinary research institutes. The school will be renamed the Henry Samueli School of Engineering… Read More

Human-caused climate change to blame for increase in California's wildfires, says study -
"The 10 largest fires in California history have all occurred in the past two decades, and five of those have happened since 2020," said co-author Amir AghaKouchak, UCI professor of civil and environmental engineering. "Through our study, it has become clear that anthropogenic climate change is the major driver of this increase in wildfire damage." Read More
San Francisco Chronicle

California wildfires incinerate vast amounts of land. But far more could burn in a warmer world, study says

San Francisco Chronicle -
The amount of land scorched by wildfires in Northern and Central California has increased fivefold in the last two decades — and nearly all of that increase can be attributed to human-caused climate change, according to a new study published Monday. By 2050, the amount of land burned could increase another 3% to 52%, depending on the level of temperature change in the next three decades, according to study author Amir AghaKouchak, a professor of earth science systems at UC Irvine. … “The effect of anthropogenic emissions is very, very significant, more than what we thought before we started the study. We were not expecting this level of percent change,” AghaKouchak said. [Subscription required, you can request an electronic copy of the article by sending an email to] Read More
Orange County Business Journal

Key Moves in OC Executive Ranks

Orange County Business Journal -
Another addition to the Syntiant board is Magnus Eberstedt, the dean of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering at University of California, Irvine (for more, see the June 5 print edition). [Subscription required, you can request an electronic copy of the article by sending an email to] Read More
USA Today

Climate change fueled California's recent surge in catastrophic wildfire seasons, study says

USA Today -
The recent decades-long surge in catastrophic wildfires in California is almost entirely due to climate change, a new study published Monday reports. … “We found that we can expect as much as a 50% increase in burned area from 2031 to 2050 relative to the past few decades,” said study co-author Amir AghaKouchak, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Irvine. … “By acting now to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions and pursue more sustainable transportation, energy production and agricultural practices, we can reduce the adverse effects of global climate change.” Read More

Climate change supercharging wildfires in California, researchers say

Human-caused climate change is largely responsible for an explosion in wildfire damage in California over the past quarter century, and the problem is only going to get worse in coming years, according to a study from the University of California. … “The 10 largest fires in California history have all occurred in the past two decades, and five of those have happened since 2020,” said Amir AghaKouchak, a UC Irvine professor of civil and environmental engineering. “Through our study, it has become clear that [human-caused] climate change is the major driver of this increase in wildfire damage.” Read More
