Visiting and Prospective Students

Students will have the opportunity to conduct research under the supervision of top-notch faculty and experience a rewarding student life in the States.


UCInspire Program

UCInspire Program

The International Student Program Immersive Research Experience (UCInspire) is a 10-week comprehensive research program designed for outstanding undergraduate students who are interested in obtaining graduate degrees at UCI. Students will be mentored by world-class faculty at UCI to participate in frontier research projects. Learn More

3+2 Program

3+2 Program

The UC Irvine 3+2 Engineering Program is a two-year academic program that allows students to obtain both a B.S. degree from their home institution and a M.S./Ph.D. degree from UCI while experiencing both the academic and social lives of American students. Learn More

Mexico Graduate Research & Engineering Program

Mexico Graduate Research & Education Program

Funded by Mexico institutions, MGREP supports research collaborations and doctoral and master’s degree study for highly qualified candidates from Mexico at UCI. The program features UCI-industry partnerships to provide dedicated research training for Mexico's future leaders of innovation in interdisciplinary STEM work. Learn More

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