UCI WEX Center – An Evening With Industry: Prediction Tools For Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus Projects In Water Reclamation
Beckman Center
4:30PM Seminar
5:30PM Networking Reception
Daniel Nolasco
Senior Water Specialist
Especialista en Agua Senior (Argentina)
ABSTRACT: The need to reduce the energy and carbon footprint in wastewater treatment plants is put in the perspective of overall climate, population, and urban development issues. This presentation will introduce the practical implications of using existing field monitoring techniques and desk-top plant simulation software. Furthermore, O&M cost savings related to these techniques will be presented. Online monitoring, off-gas testing, dynamic modeling, and the incorporation of energy tariffs in the overall analysis will be demonstrated. In addition, the conclusions related to the economic benefits of utilizing these technologies and the need for future research and implementation will be presented.
BIO: Daniel Nolasco has over 25 years of engineering experience in applying dynamic modeling techniques for design and optimization of wastewater treatment plants. His projects have received numerous international awards, among them, a nomination for the Governor General of Canada Award. He has published over 100 technical papers in journals and conference proceedings and has co-authored four books. Daniel is well known in the WWTP modeling arena. His clarification/thickening model is used in most wastewater treatment simulators, has received over 500 citations, and is considered by the International Water Association as one of the “10 most significant groundbreaking papers during the past 40 years” in Water Research. He has served at the Board of Trustees of the Water Environment Federation and is currently at the Board of Directors of IWA. Daniel has a Civil Engineering Degree from the University of Buenos Aires, a Master in Environmental Engineering from McMaster University, and a Master in Management of Technology from MIT.