Civil Engineering Seminar Series - Alternative Materials, Design & Methods of Construction Under The IBC

MSTB 120
Brian Gerber, P.E., S.E.
Vice President of Technical Operations
Uniform Evaluation Service
ABSTRACT: This presentation will address the challenges and opportunities construction professionals face when specifying alternative designs, materials, and methods to those permitted by the International Building Code. We will discuss the significance of IBC Section 104.11 and other references such as ACI 318 and AISC 360, with respect to alternatives and how it transforms the code from a prescriptive document to a performance set of requirements. In addition we will note the characteristics of the Prescriptive vs. Performance Approaches. While the IBC permits alternatives, based on equivalence, numerical or quantitative measures for judging adequacy are generally lacking and need to be proposed to and approved by the authority enforcing the IBC. The presentation will highlight the issues to consider when dealing with the applicable code provisions and determining the acceptability of alternatives using a pyramid of Goals; Objectives; Performance Criteria; Means of Verification; and Alternate Means of Verification. Since many alternatives are documented based on testing only, the presentation will address some of the fundamentals to observe when submitting and accepting test results in the form of a test report. Then we will go through an example and demonstrate application of these concepts by proposing alternatives and detailing the steps towards justifying the product as alternative materials to those allowed by the IBC.
BIO: Mr. Gerber is the Vice President of Technical Operations at Uniform Evaluation Service. Mr. Gerber has over 35 years of engineering experience, encompassing building construction from inspection to design to standards writing. This background gives him an unusually broad base of skills with which to understand manufacturers’ needs and the objective of maintaining public safety. As vice president of technical operations, he works with clients to create an identity in the field of code compliance. These clients run the gamut from small start-ups to Fortune 100 conglomerates. He is an active member of numerous professional societies including American Concrete Institute, American Institute of Steel Construction, ASTM International, Forest Products Society, and the Structural Engineers Association of California. Brian actively participates in these organizations to further the engineering profession. He has received awards and fellowships for his contributions. He holds degrees in engineering and business, and is a registered structural engineer. His research efforts have been detailed in technical papers and presentations delivered to prominent structural engineering organizations.

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