MAE Seminar: Air Quality in Southern California -- Past, Present, and Future

Climate and Energy Supervisor
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Abstract: Air quality within Southern California has improved dramatically despite a rapidly increasing population and more vehicles on the roadways. Unfortunately, pollutants such as ozone, fine particulate matter, and certain toxic compounds are still at unhealthful levels in areas of the state and need to be further reduced. Science-based policies and new technologies are helping reduce unhealthful air emissions and greenhouse gases. The discussion will focus on air quality and greenhouse gas emissions in Southern California along with the emission-reduction strategies currently being implemented on the regional and state levels.
Biography: At the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Aaron Katzenstein works on climate change, energy and air quality related regulations, policies, research and demonstration projects focused on the Southern California urban air shed. He has worked at SCAQMD for over 12 years since he started as an air quality chemist. Katzenstein received his doctorate and master's degree in atmospheric chemistry at UC Irvine where he studied urban and global air pollution.