The Virginia Tech Incident: Understanding Diversity and Communication Across Cultures

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Seminar

Featuring Prany Sananikone
Diversity Relations and Educational Programs Director
Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
UC, Irvine

Location:  Engineering Lecture Hall 110
Free and open to the public.
Light refreshments served following the event.

The Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science is sponsoring an open forum to encourage faculty and students to engage in dialogue and listen to concerns and feelings on the Virginia Tech incident.

In this seminar, we will address:

-Feelings and thoughts on the Virginia Tech incident
-Provide awareness of campus services and resources
-Understanding the impact of diversity and communication within our campus community

Sananikone is known as “Mr. Ambassador” for his knowledge, sensitivity, and commitment to multiculturalism. Sananikone attended the University of Hawaii and was awarded a B.A. in education (specializing in second language education) and a B.A. in sociology (specializing in community development).  Sananikone also earned a master’s degree in communication strategies and planning.  In 1990, he began working at UC Irvine at the University Extension as the Director of Health, Education, and Community Programs.  In 1994, he joined the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity.  Sananikone designs, develops and implements community outreach plans and programs; facilitates the development and execution of workshops on various equal opportunity/diversity topics; and, works with the community agencies, UC Irvine offices/departments, and university committees and associations that are involved in diversity-related issues.  Sananikone coordinates the Diversity Development Certificate Program and co-directs the Diversity in Medicine course.  He also serves as a mentor to students and interns who work with him on diversity programs.

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