Russell Detwiler
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Colorado
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Vermont
Detwiler is interested in fluid flow processes in porous and fractured media, including multiphase flow and transport, and the chemical/biological/mechanical alteration of subsurface properties. Understanding the scaling behavior of these often-coupled processes is critical to a broad range of current challenges including: remediation of groundwater contaminants; subsurface CO2 sequestration; geothermal energy production; and nuclear waste isolation.
Detwiler’s current research integrates detailed laboratory measurements of pore-scale to core-scale processes with the development and evaluation of mechanistic computational models. Ongoing efforts to scale these computational models to parallel computing architectures provides a robust approach for quantitatively extrapolating laboratory-scale observations to field-scale systems.