Pai Chou
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
B.S., University of California, Berkeley, Computer Science, 1990
M.S., University of Washington, Computer Science
Ph.D., University of Washington, Computer Science and Engineering, 1998
Chou is interested in hardware and software codesign, power-aware and adaptive embedded systems, system synthesis and embedded instruments.
He has been developing Integrated Management Power Aware Computing and Communication Technologies (IMPACCT), a computer-aided design (CAD) tool for exploring power-management policies at the application and architecture levels. The goal of the project is to improve power and performance for mission-critical systems, including the Mars Rover project by NASA/JPL and Rockwell Collin's software defined radio systems.
Chou is currently developing a number of embedded instruments. One is the B# battery emulator, which is a smart power supply that mimics the power output of a battery. Another embedded instrument is the mini-FDPM breast cancer detector in collaboration with the Beckman Laser Institute. He is also building wireless sensor nodes for monitoring structural health of building structures.