Manuel Gamero-Castaño
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
B.S., Escuela Superior de Ingenieros (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Chemical Engineering, 1995
M.S., Yale University, Mechanical Engineering Ph.D., Yale University, Mechanical Engineering, 1999
Gamero-Castaño’s main research interest is colloidal propulsion, an electric propulsion technology for precision formation flying and small spacecraft. He joined Busek Co Inc., in Massachusetts in 1999 as a research scientist, where he developed and directed the company’s colloid thruster program. Gamero-Castaño joined the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2004 as a senior engineer, where he worked on colloidal technology for the Disturbance Reduction System-Space Technology 7 and the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna missions.
Other research areas of interest include the modeling of stationary plasma hall thrusters; the development of aerosol diagnostic techniques; and the study of a variety of phenomena associated with the electrospraying of liquids.