A. Lee Swindlehurst
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Ph.D., Stanford University, Electrical Engineering, 1991
M.S., Brigham Young University, Electrical Engineering, 1986
B.S., Brigham Young University, Electrical Engineering, 1985
Swindlehurst's research interests lie in the application of detection and estimation theory to problems in signal processing, biomedicine and wireless communications.
Past projects include direction-of-arrival estimation, sensor array calibration, beamforming, time-delay estimation, system identification, blind channel estimation and equalization, space-time adaptive processing for radar, clutter modeling and mitigation, and interference/jammer cancellation. Currently, he and his students are working on problems in MIMO wireless communications, including space-time characterization of indoor and outdoor RF propagation, channel estimation and performance analysis for time-varying MIMO links, downlink beamforming in multiuser MIMO systems, and space-time processing for ad hoc networks.
Some new projects he is beginning work on include detection and feature extraction from biological signals, multipath mitigation in geopositioning systems (GPS, GLONASS), and using multiple antennas for enhanced physical layer security.