Feng Liu
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3975
B.S., Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an, Aeronautical Propulsion, 1980
M.S., Beijing Inst. of Aeronautics and Astro.,Beijing, Aeronautical Propulsion, 1984
Ph.D., Princeton University, Computational Fluid Dynamics, 1991
Liu is interested in computational fluid dynamics, turbomachinery and propulsion.
His current research activities include an investigation into fluid/structure interactions, wherein he and his group are developing efficient numerical methods for calculating fluid/structure interactions. Liu also is leading a study of the multi-grid method for solving the Reynolds-average Navier-Stokes equations with advanced turbulence models, with the goal of developing efficient numerical methods for simulating high Reynolds number flow with complex geometry.
In another project, Liu is looking at adaptive grid generation, in an effort to develop the method for arbitrary computational domains and couple it with a flow solver for steady and unsteady flow caluculations. He also is investigating unsteady flow in turbomachinery cascades, wherein he is developing numerical methods that can simulate unsteady flow through moving cascade blade rows. Another project is focused on Aerodynamic Optimization of Turbine Blade Rows via CFD and Control Theory, wherein he and his group will explore various two- and three-dimensional shape optimization of compressor and turbine blades.
Liu's research has applications in the field of aircraft design.