Bihter Padak
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
Ph.D., Stanford University, Energy Resources Engineering
M.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Chemical Engineering
B.S., Istanbul Technical University, Chemical Engineering
The Padak group’s main research interests are in the field of combustion, reaction kinetics, and emissions control technologies. Our group aims to reduce the environmental impacts of combustion processes, with a focus on the emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and trace metals, i.e., mercury, arsenic, and selenium. Our goal is to reduce pollutant emissions from stationary and mobile sources by developing novel materials while trying to understand the combustion chemistry at a fundamental level. Our lab is equipped with bench-scale experimental systems to elucidate the flame chemistry and combustion kinetics as well as the pollutant formation. We also employ electronic structure calculations to develop kinetic models and investigate surface interactions. The molecular modeling predictions are validated employing spectroscopic techniques to understand the surface chemistry. Areas of application include oxy-fuel combustion, chemical looping combustion, natural gas and high hydrogen content fuel combustion in gas turbines, compressed natural gas engines, automobile exhaust emissions, catalytic burners, selective catalytic reduction and mercury control technologies.