City of Los Angeles Department of Public Water & Power New Engineering Associate Training Program
Deadline: Continuous
Deadline: Continuous
Deadline: Continuous
We are always looking for talented people to join our team, from engineers to scientists, operators, and administrative, financial, human resources, and marketing professionals. All open positions are listed in our online systems, available at the link below. Explore jobs across all our locations, find a position that fits, and submit an application. We look forward to hearing from you!
Deadline: Continuous
Deadline: Open until filled
The City of Long Beach is looking for both Building Inspectors and Building Inspector Aides. We are hosting two Recruitment/Job Information Sessions for the City of Long Beach Department of Development Services. There are currently 11 openings as Combination Building Inspectors for the City. At the sessions senior Building Inspection staff will be present to provide an overview of the position and answer any questions about the qualifications needed and how to apply.
Deadline: Open until filled
One of the premier awards offered to incoming or continuing graduate students in the school. This award is funded by Henry Samueli, co-founder of Broadcom Corporation, after whom the school is named. The award is open to Ph.D. students showing exceptional promise of technical and scholarly work in civil and environmental engineering. The number of awards and amounts varies each year.
Eligibility Criteria:
Welcome and Zot Zot Zot, CEE Alumni!
We are proud to say there are over 3,000 CEE Anteater Alumni representing the UCI Community around the globe.
CEE strives to foster continuous intellectual engagement beyond your educational experience at UCI. Our mission is to nurture a lifelong, professional partnership that will compel alumni interaction with CEE faculty, staff and current students.
Education for Affiliate Staff Members
Educational Program Development