CEE Seminar: The Integration of Structural Design and Damage Detection Philosophy

Associate Professor
Civil & Materials Engineering Department
University of Illinois at Chicago
Abstract: It is inevitable that structures including bridges, pipelines and aircraft eventually develop cracks. Unfortunately, current design practice does not include the means of structural damage detection into the design process. In this presentation, the concept of periodic structure design is introduced to integrate real-time damage monitoring strategies into the earliest stages of the design of civil infrastructure for resilient structural behavior. The integration is achieved by introducing spatially periodic global or local subsystems into structural elements, which then behaves as acoustic metamaterials as they are tailored to be able to block, redirect and strengthen propagating elastic waves in the deployed infrastructure. Such design allows the elastic waves emitted from any structural damage to be more easily focused and captured, long before the damage becomes critical, which allows uninterrupted service and safety in critical civil structures. The approach will be demonstrated on periodic truss design for global monitoring using impulse-response method and perforated plate design (similar to gusset plate connections in bridges) with pre-defined periodic behavior for local damage monitoring using acoustic emission method.
Bio: Ozevin is an associate professor of civil and materials engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Before this appointment, she worked as a research scientist at Physical Acoustics Corporation for four years and gained expertise in many NDE methods such as acoustic emission, ultrasonics and eddy currents. Her current research is periodic structure design, quantitative understanding of acoustic emission method, numerical modeling of elastic wave problem, nonlinear ultrasonics for stress measurement at thick plates, MEMS sensors for multi-sensor fusion capability, and crack detection at rotating machinery. Her research has been supported by NSF, NCHRP, DOD and NAVAIR. She is a recipient of ASNT Faculty Award in 2014 and NSF CAREER Award in 2016. She is a member of ASCE, ISHMII and ACI. Ozevin received her doctorate from Lehigh University in 2005.