Materials Advantage Student Chapter Wins Recruiting Contest
UCI Material Advantage chapter officers, from left: Andy Lam (president), Tam Le (secretary), Erik Sheldon (vice president), and Stoney Middleton (treasurer).
The UC Irvine students recruited 18 TMS membership applicants, winning $1,500 for their chapter. A total of 26 universities throughout the world participated in the contest.
According to Stoney Middleton, a materials science graduate student and MA chapter treasurer, all the board members were involved in encouraging peers to join the society and earn money for their chapter. They plan to use the funds to support outreach, student projects and conference fees.
Specifically, the students plan to enter the TMS Bladesmithing Competition next year and plan to use their “newly acquired funds to purchase equipment such as steel, flux, wood, rivets and safety equipment to make a blade for the 2017 competition. Our mission for the upcoming competition is to get UCI on the podium,” said Middleton.
MA is a membership program for materials science and engineering students. It is supported by TMS, American Ceramic Society, Association for Iron & Steel Technology and Materials Information Society.