Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


    The department offers a rich and diverse educational experience for students interested in majoring in civil engineering or environmental engineering. Courses are taught by world-class scholars who maintain connections with industry and are involved in developing cutting-edge technologies in earthquake and structural engineering, transportation systems, water resources and environmental engineering. All undergraduate students have the opportunity to participate in design and research projects. Programs prepare students for leadership careers in industry and for continuing their education in graduate school.

    Civil Engineering Program

    Environmental Engineering Program

    Enrollments and Degrees Awarded for all programs in the Samueli School

    Quick Links

    Undergraduate Counselors

    Voicemail: (949) 824-4334

    Undergraduate Program Advisors

    Civil Engineering

    Professor Mike McNally
    (949) 824-8385

    Environmental Engineering

    Professor Diego Rosso
    (949) 824-3672