Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Roadmap to a Ph.D. Degree

Important Milestones:
- You must secure a Ph.D. advisor to do research
- Ph.D. preliminary examination
- Complete four quarters of EECS294
Prelim Exam Requirements
- Ph.D. students are required to complete the exam
- Ph.D. preliminary exam form
Ph.D. Qualifying Examination
- Take this exam when you have set your dissertation topic and have completed most of the initial research.
- This is the time to form your candidacy committee, which comprises five U.C. Academic Senate members. This committee must include:
- Chair: The chair is your Ph.D. faculty research advisor. The chair must hold a primary or joint appointment in the EECS Department.
- General Members: four general members are required. A general member can be outside of EECS. The majority of the members must hold a primary or joint appointment in the EECS Department.
- Discuss exam requirements with your candidacy committee chair
- You should submit the nomination form of your committee to EECS graduate coordinator, Marisa Mendoza, at least two weeks before the date of the Ph.D. qualifying examination.
- EECS graduate coordinator will prepare the Ph.D. form I and Graduate Division will send the form via DocuSign for signature before your exam begins.
- Non-resident students who have passed the qualifying examination are eligible for a 100% reduction in their non-resident tuition for three years.
Completion of Dissertation
When you finish your research and are ready to present your defense you need to follow the instructions below:
The submission of the dissertation is the last step in the program leading to the award of an advanced degree. All dissertations submitted in fulfillment of requirements for advanced degrees at UCI must conform to certain University regulations and specifications with regard to format and method of preparation.
The standards and procedures manual for writing and submitting thesis/dissertations is available here:
Students are encouraged to attend the quarterly information sessions that discuss manuscript preparation and filing procedures.
Doctoral programs must be completed in seven calendar years from the date of admission.
- Form your doctoral committee, which comprises three U.C. Academic Senate members.
- Decide a time and place for your defense when your doctoral committee members are available.
- Inform EECS graduate office, Marisa Mendoza, in EH 2201 the time and place with a copy of your abstract (one paragraph describing your presentation) at least one week before the date of your defense.
- Defend your dissertation.
- EECS coordinator will prepare you Ph.D. Form 2 and Graduate Division will send the form via DocuSign for signature
Quick Links
- New Ph.D. Student Orientation
- Nomination Form
- Ph.D. Form I - Advancement to Candidacy Ph.D. Degree
- Ph.D. Form II - Signature Page / Report on Final Examination for the Ph.D. Degree
Graduate Program Coordinator
Marisa Mendoza
(949) 824-5489