Zone Captains
Primary Responsibilities:
- Designate Building Coordinators and oversee designation of Floor Wardens
- Prepare Preliminary Zone Status Reports
- Coordinate activities with Field Incident Commander
- Relay information between EOC Zone Coordinators and Building Coordinators
Support Responsibilities:
- Evacuation control
- As appropriate, advise search and rescue efforts
- Inspection Teams
Reports To:
- If EOC is activated:
- EOC Zone Coordinator:
- Phone Number:
- Radio Number:
- If EOC is not activated:
- Field Incident Commander
Position Functions:
- Establish the Zone Command Post. This location may be at the on-scene incident command post or a pre-designated location. If possible, participate in assessment of emergency with Field Incident Commander. Assist in determination to evacuate or shelter in place. Keep track of all emergency response activities in the Zone. Assist and provide support to Field Incident Commanders and others. Keep the Command Post open until advised by EOC Zone Coordinator to close down.
- If EOC is activated, initiate communication with the EOC Zone Coordinator in the EOC and advise location of Zone Command Post and initial status.
- Initiate and maintain an information log tracking all events (who, when, what, where). This may be assigned to someone else who can record information received, decisions made and actions taken.
- Establish communication with each Building Coordinator. If a building does not have a coordinator, assign someone to act as the Building Coordinator, and provide procedures and forms. Determine from the Building Coordinator, the evacuation location for each building with in the Zone and where he or she can be reached.