Future Engineers, Mathematicians & Scientists Compete in UCI's Annual LEGO Competition
Event held on Saturday, May 21 for students, grade 6-12 EVENT: "Shake, Rattle & Roll" is the central theme as students, grade 6-12, compete in the Earthquake Engineering with LEGOs competition. Join us as we discover how much simulated seismic activity LEGO structures can withstand before they come tumbling down on UC Irvine's own shake table.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering, Engineering Plaza - UCI
Campus map: www.uci.edu/campusmap
Since 1970, Mathematics, Science, Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) has supported educationally disadvantaged students so they can excel in math and science studies and graduate with baccalaureate degrees in math-based fields.
Other events tomorrow include:
- College Posterboard – Students present their research on a university of their choice and compete for the best presentation.
- Genetics Scavenger Hunt – Students decipher messages using genetics tables that will lead them to various locations around the UCI campus.
For information about MESA, visit: http://mesa.ucop.edu/about/index.html.