G.P. Li
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697
B.S., NCKU,Taiwan, Electrical Engineering, 1978
M.S., University of California, Los Angeles, Electrical Engineering, 1982
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, Electrical Engineering, 1983
G.P. Li is a professor at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) with appointments in two departments: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and Biomedical Engineering, and in the Materials and Manufacturing Technology (MMT) graduate concentration program at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering. He holds key leadership positions at UCI including director of the Integrated Nanosystems Research Facility, which is a major campus resource for micro/nano technology, and director of Calit2, which is one of four Gray Davis Institutes for Science and Innovation located on University of California campuses. He served as the UC systemwide chair of the executive committee for electronics manufacturing research and new materials at the University of California from 2004-2006. Prior to UCI, Li served as a research staff member and manager of the technology group at IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center. While at IBM, he worked in the area of VLSI technology with an emphasis on advanced bipolar technology and led a research and development team to transfer the technology into production. In the late 1980s, he chaired a committee charged with defining IBM’s semiconductor technology roadmap beyond the year 2000. Li has published more than 430 research papers and three book chapters involving microelectronics, microwave circuits, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) for communication and biomedical instrumentation applications, bio-nano-IT technology, IOT and data analytics for edge actionable intelligence (AI) in efficient energy utilization, smart manufacturing and e-health. He has given invited/plenary talks over 180 times during his career. Li is also a member of numerous technical committees at professional conferences and was chair of the Taiwan VLSI Technology, Circuit, and System Conference in 2006 and the Ninth International Conference on Energy Efficiency Domestic Appliances and Lighting in 2017. Li received an outstanding research contribution award from IBM (1987), twice outstanding engineering professor awards from UCI (1997 and 2001), the UCI Innovators Award (2005), best paper award from the ITC International Telemetering Conference (2005), outstanding Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Leaders and Role Models award (2009), Outstanding Alumni Award (NCKUAANA) (2017), and the UCI Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research (2018). Li holds 40 U.S. patents that have been licensed to eight companies. He has been the co-founder of five startups with five others partially founded on his expertise. Li has supervised 53 students, who received their Ph.D. degrees and 57 postdocs and visiting scholars. Among the students and postdocs, four have gone on to become CEOs of publicly traded companies as well as an additional four other students who became CEOs or CTOs at privately owned companies. He was one of four professors honored at the UC Irvine Innovations ceremony in recognition of his significant contributions to the university as an inventor and creator in 2005. Currently, he also directs TechPortal, a technology business incubator housed at the Calit2@UCI, which supports and nurtures young companies and university researchers trying to commercialize their inventions and technologies. Li is a fellow of IEEE, the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association and the National Academy of Inventors.