Olga Movilla Miangolarra Receives Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship

Olga Movilla Miangolarra
April 1, 2024 - Olga Movilla Miangolarra ’23 received the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship to join the Open Quantum Systems group at the University of La Laguna, Spain. The group studies the rich physics of quantum systems that interact with their surroundings.
After earning her doctorate in mechanical and aerospace engineering at UC Irvine, Miangolarra became a postdoctoral researcher in Distinguished Professor Tryphon Georgiou’s lab. “I am excited and grateful for the opportunity to go back to my home country,” Miangolarra said. “I look forward to furthering my research through this fellowship, and I hope it will open new opportunities to keep doing so in the future.”
Her research studies ways in which stochastic systems may harvest energy from the anisotropy in the environment. It aims to shed light on how some molecular motors, which provide the fuel that drives our bodies, may be powered by the anisotropy in chemical potentials or concentration gradients.
With the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, she will take her work to the quantum realm and study open quantum systems which are the key to the development of quantum technology, from quantum computers to measuring devices.
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions funds the development of excellent doctoral and postdoctoral training programs and collaborative research projects around the world. It aims to equip researchers at all stages of their career with new knowledge and skills, through mobility across borders.
- Natalie Tso