Symposium Commemorates 5th Anniversary of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department

The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Dept. holds research symposium

The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Dept. holds research symposium

July 7, 2023 The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department commemorated their 5th anniversary with a research symposium highlighting the exciting research happening in the young department.

“During the past 5 years we've really worked hard to grow the size, identity and stature of our department,” said department chair Vasan Venugopalan. The department has research themes ranging from new systems to produce biofuels, sustainable energy storage and conversion, to nano- and biotechnologies for the design of materials and devices with applications to sustainable energy, sensing and human health.

The event saw 115 undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and research staff showcase their work in talks and posters.

The following outstanding presentations won awards at the symposium:

1st place: Carbon-Efficient Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Fuels and Chemicals - Samer Saleh

2nd place: Design of a Nanoparticle Cancer Vaccine to Treat Colon Carcinoma - Nina Butkovich

3rd place: Modeling Cell Response to Curvature of Unique Porous Substrates Requires Membrane Tension - Alyse Gonthier

3rd place: Tuning 1,3-Butadiene Selectivity from Ethanol with Induction Heating - Han Wang

The winning posters:

Using Polyacrylamide Hydrogel for Stiffness Study on Mammalian Cell Culture (Undergraduate category) - Ashwin Damodaran 

Improving Infusion Set Lifetime and Reliability Using Bijel-Templated Materials (Graduate/PostDoc category) - Luciano Groisman

The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department has 17 faculty, and about 200 undergraduates and 80 graduate students. Their faculty has won prestigious awards and grants for their cutting-edge research, and the department was awarded $9.7 million in research funds for 2021-2022. CBE Professor Vojislav Stamenkovic was recently awarded $3.75 million by the U.S. Department of Energy for research in clean energy. Stamenkovic, who is the director of the Horiba Institute for Mobility and Connectivity, is leading research that will enable the widespread commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technology for medium- and heavy-duty trucks

- Natalie Tso