Recent Graduate Recognized for Innovation in Navigation

Nov. 10, 2020 - The Institute of Navigation has awarded UC Irvine engineering alumna Kimia Shamaei the 2020 Bradford Parkinson Award for her doctoral dissertation, “Exploiting cellular signals for navigation: 4G to 5G.” The annual award recognizes outstanding graduate students in the field of positioning, navigation and/or timing whose dissertations represent significant innovations in the technology, application or policy of modern navigation systems.
Shamaei, who graduated in winter 2020 with her doctorate in electrical engineering and computer science, was advised by Zak Kassas, associate professor of mechanical & aerospace engineering and electrical engineering & computer science. Her dissertation research addressed the challenges of exploiting cellular signals for navigation purposes, specifically long-term evolution (LTE) and 5G signals.
“I am truly honored to be selected for this prestigious award. I would like to thank my Ph.D. adviser Professor Zak Kassas, for introducing me to this field and for his support and advice throughout my Ph.D. journey,” said Shamaei, who currently works as a software engineer at Apple Inc. She received the award in September at the ION GNSS+ 2020 Conference (virtual).
The Bradford Parkinson Award honors the retired U.S. Air Force Colonel for his leadership in establishing both the U.S. global positioning system and the ION Satellite Division.
– Lori Brandt