ASM Foundation Awards Computational Toolkit to Samueli School

Nov. 20, 2019 - The UC Irvine Department of Materials Science and Engineering has received an Materials Genome Toolkit from the ASM Materials Education Foundation. The award provides a three-year license for a range of thermo-calc-based software and databases, which will enable the department to integrate computational materials engineering concepts and toolsets into the undergraduate curriculum as new courses are developed and existing courses modified. The toolkit, valued at more than $240,000, includes the latest versions of:
- Thermo-Calc thermodynamics code
- DICTRA multi-component diffusion code
- PRISMA precipitation simulator
- Thermodynamic databases for Fe, Ni, Al and Mg-based systems
- Mobility databases for Fe, Ni and Al systems.
“This computational toolkit will help us ensure that learning modules and appropriate exercises are included in the MSE curricular offerings, as well as the senior design courses,” said Daniel Mumm, associate professor. “This capability will not only expose our students to the full power of computational materials science and simulation and the underlying principles of integrated computational materials engineering methodologies, but will also enhance the quality of capstone project final designs and allow us to competitively participate in the ASM Undergraduate Design Competition.”
– Lori Brandt