Three Grad Students Win Dissertation Fellowships
The UCI Graduate Division awards dissertation fellowships to Medea Neek, Seyed “Amir” Saeidi and Rachel Smith.
Neek, a chemical engineering student, is developing a new platform to improve cancer vaccine (immunotherapy) efficacy using nanotechnology and biomimetic strategies. “We mimic virus properties with nanoparticles in order to improve the interactions of vaccine components with the human body's immune system.”
Saeidi, a materials and manufacturing technology student, is looking at the phase transformations of a high-temperature ceramic material used to coat blades in gas turbines. “We hope to explain the mechanisms of this phase transformation using atomistic simulations. This understanding will help us design better materials and enhance their properties.”
Biomedical engineering student Smith conducts computational analysis of brain signals in patients with epilepsy. She specifically studies infantile spasms, a potentially devastating form of epilepsy that strikes within the first year of life. Smith is developing quantitative tools to assess how the infants’ brains are functioning differently from the brains of healthy babies, as well as building models to predict which patients are going to respond to treatment.
“We hope that this will expedite the treatment process and improve patients' long-term outcomes,” said Smith.
– Lori Brandt