Four Undergrads Awarded Scholarships from SAME
Nov. 6, 2018 - The Orange County Post of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) awarded scholarships to four Samueli School undergraduate students at the Post’s October luncheon. In an effort to support and promote the educational and professional development of present and potential future engineers, SAME annually gives $2,500 scholarships to four to five students. Here are the UC Irvine awardees:
Biomedical engineering student Irma Fernandez is a member of the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, a mentor in the California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) office, and a presenter for the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM) GRAD Lab Conference. A senior, she is leading a project focused on cancer treatment.
Laura McGiven, a junior in civil engineering, is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Engineering Student Council. She conducts research for the Advanced Power and Energy Program.
Chemical engineering student David Morales is member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and serves on the philanthropy committee at Phi Kappa Psi. A senior, he also is a researcher at APEP.
Sergio Ramirez is a senior in civil engineering. He serves as an executive officer for Latinos in Engineering and Science, participates in STEM outreach events for children and works on the CAD design team for UCI Transportation.
According to Jorge Rodriguez, SAME OC Post board member, the UCI students “were all very deserving.”
Founded in 1920, SAME leads collaborative efforts to identify and resolve national security infrastructure-related challenges. SAME unites public and private sector individuals and organizations from across the architecture, engineering, construction, environmental and facility management, cyber security, project planning, contracting and acquisition, and related disciplines in support of national security.
– Lori Brandt