Rupert to Accept Teaching Award

Rupert will accept his teaching award next week at the Materials Science and Technology 2017 conference.

Rupert will accept his teaching award next week at the Materials Science and Technology 2017 conference.

Oct. 4, 2017 - The Samueli School’s Timothy Rupert has added another award to his already considerable collection. Rupert, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, and chemical engineering and materials science, will receive the Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers from ASM (previously the American Society for Metals). He will collect his award next week at the Materials Science and Technology 2017 conference in Pittsburgh, Penn.

Rupert, who already has earned the Samueli School’s Early Career Award for Faculty Excellence in Research, the Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program Award, the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award and the TMS Young Leader Professional Development Award, among others, was selected by the ASM Board of Trustees. He was recognized for his “dedication to teaching and mentoring of students in the fields of materials science and metallurgy, as well as organization of innovative outreach activities aimed at high school students.”

The award, named for a former teacher, dean and ASM president, was established to encourage young teachers by rewarding them for their ability to impart knowledge and enthusiasm to students. It comes with a $3,000 honorarium.

"It is a great honor to be awarded the 2017 Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers. This award counts many of the giants of my field as past winners, and I am driven to try to make a contribution with my own career that adds up to a fraction of theirs,” Rupert said. “I am also proud that this award is focused on teaching in metallurgy, as education is the true calling of someone who has pursued an academic career."

-Anna Lynn Spitzer