ChEMS Professor Receives International Award

Julie Schoenung

Schoenung receives 2016 Acta Materialia Holloman Award for Materials & Society.

Sept. 15, 2015 -- Chemical engineering and materials science Professor Julie Schoenung has been awarded the 2016 Acta Materialia Holloman Award for Materials & Society. The honor recognizes demonstrated leadership in promoting an understanding of the interactions between materials technology and societal interests, as well as contributions to materials technology that have had a major impact on society. She was chosen by a selection committee comprised of five distinguished materials scientists.

Schoenung, who returns to UC Irvine this fall after 13 years on the faculty at UC Davis, studies nanostructured and ultrafine-grained materials, green materials and green engineering design. Her research group synthesizes, characterizes and models new materials for ballistic, transportation and energy applications, and also investigates the impacts of materials transactions on human health and environmental quality.

“I am quite honored to be recognized in this way. I was both surprised and humbled to be selected as the recipient of this award, and to be joining the amazing group of prior recipients,” Schoenung said. “My greatest pleasure is to know that this recognizes not only my own contributions, but equally importantly, those of my former and current graduate students and postdoctoral scientists.”

Schoenung will be presented with her award – a glass sculpture, certificate and $10,000 cash honorarium – at TMS 2016, the 145th annual meeting and exhibition of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, next February in Nashville, Tenn.