Professor Jafarkhani’s Paper on Space-time Block Codes Receives Prominent Recognition by Thomson Scientific Essential Science
July 6, 2006 - Associate Professor Hamid Jafarkhani of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department was recently identified by Thomson Scientific Essential Science Indicators, a company that provides access to high-value, essential information for researchers and scholars, as having one of the most cited papers in the research area of quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes.
His article, originally published in the journal, IEEE Transactions on Communications in January 2001, describes a new method to design codes for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, with functions in wireless communication systems and networks.
Jafarkhani explains that these codes are applicable for different wireless communication methods, with the potential to improve the performance of cell phones, wireless networks, and laptop connectivity.
“Simply stated, the technology described in my article provides high-rate, good performance codes with low complexity,” he said.
Jafarkhani is one of the inventors of space-time block coding, which is widely used to improve wireless transmission quality. He is currently concentrating on the theoretical and practical challenges of designing systems that use multiple antennas.
He has also has been involved in developing data compression algorithms, especially for image and video coding. His recent work in this field focuses on the transmission of multimedia information over wireless networks and the Internet.
To learn more about his research article, visit: