Media Watch

Science Tech Daily

“Stronger Than Diamonds” Carbon Nanostructure Designed – Reaches Theoretical Limit of Performance

Science Tech Daily -
“Scientists have predicted that nanolattices arranged in a plate-based design would be incredibly strong,” said lead author Cameron Crook, a UCI graduate student in materials science & engineering. “But the difficulty in manufacturing structures this way meant that the theory was never proven, until we succeeded in doing it.” Read More

New plate-nanolattices are stronger than diamonds

Futurity -
“Previous beam-based designs, while of great interest, had not been so efficient in terms of mechanical properties,” says corresponding author Jens Bauer, a researcher in mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of California, Irvine. “This new class of plate-nanolattices that we’ve created is dramatically stronger and stiffer than the best beam-nanolattices.” Read More

Scientists design a carbon nanostructure stronger than diamonds

SlashGear -
Scientists from the University of California, Irvine, and other institutions have announced that they have architecturally designed plate-nanolattices, which are nanometer-sized carbon structures. The team says that the structures are stronger than diamonds as a ratio of strength to density. The scientists reported their success in conceptualizing and fabricating a material, consisting of closely connected, close-cell plates instead of the common cylindrical trusses common in such structures. Read More
New Atlas

Nanoscale carbon lattice proven to be stronger than diamonds

New Atlas -
A team at University of California, Irvine (UCI) has now created a nanoscale carbon lattice that boasts a much greater strength-to-density ratio than diamonds. … “While the theoretical performance of these structures had been predicted before, we were the first group to experimentally validate that they could perform as well as predicted, while also demonstrating an architected material of unprecedented mechanical performance," says Lorenzo Valdevit, UCI professor of materials science & engineering. Read More
Los Angeles Daily News

Coronavirus: Companies ramp up production of ventilators for hospitals. But will they be needed?

Los Angeles Daily News -
Long Beach-based Virgin Orbit said in March it will develop a prototype for a “bridge ventilator” designed to assist patients until they are placed on medical ventilators. The company is expecting federal approval before launching mass production of the product, developed in collaboration with researchers at the University of California, Irvine. Read More

Team designs carbon nanostructure stronger than diamonds -
"Previous beam-based designs, while of great interest, had not been so efficient in terms of mechanical properties," said corresponding author Jens Bauer, a UCI researcher in mechanical & aerospace engineering. "This new class of plate-nanolattices that we've created is dramatically stronger and stiffer than the best beam-nanolattices." Read More
UCI Gets Most of $8M Grant

UCI Pools Resources For COVID-19 Efforts

Orange County Business Journal -
“We have many research groups working on COVID-19 efforts, and some groups that have been working on these issues before the pandemic arrived,” UCI Vice Chancellor of Research Pramod Khargonekar told the Business Journal. … It’s not just research, officials stress. The school’s tech transfer branch has been active in translating ideas born out of the university into viable commercial products and resources. … “The entire university has mobilized in service of our community at this moment of great need,” [UCI Chancellor Howard] Gillman said. Below is a roundup of some of the recent activity at UCI. [Subscription required, you can request an electronic copy of the article by sending an email to] Read More
Thousand Oaks Acorn

3D printers to the rescue

Thousand Oaks Acorn -
Kevin Mardirossian has used his 3D printers to make a lot of things …. The mechanical engineering student at UC Irvine spent his spring break printing dozens of frames for face shields then teamed up with a Ventura man who produced the shields’ visors from clear plastic sheets. This month, the Conejo Valley native and his partner donated 70 face shields to the Ventura County Department of Public Health …. Because he’s lucky enough to own his own 3D printers, he felt obligated to use them for good, Mardirossian said. “I have the means to help people,” he said. “I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.” Read More
Los Angeles Daily News

Pomona professor 3D printing masks to help hospitals deal with coronavirus

Los Angeles Daily News -
And UCI Beal Applied Innovation, working in conjunction with The Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Claire Trevor School of the Arts, is producing 3D-printed face shields for workers at UCI Medical Center. Read More
Daily Pilot

Departments across UC Irvine design, build face shields for medical staff in Orange

Daily Pilot -
UCI Medical Center in Orange is receiving a shipment of 5,000 face shields from an unlikely source — the very medical students it works to educate. … The idea started with neighbors and first-year medical students, Ermin Dzihic and Tim McMullen. … UCI Beall Applied Innovation leaders put the two into contact with faculty at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Claire Trevor School of the Arts, who helped develop the design and mass production of the face shields. [Subscription required, you can request an electronic copy of the article by sending an email to] Read More
