Media Watch

UCI Gets Most of $8M Grant

Founder of UCI Beckman Laser Institute Dies

Orange County Business Journal -
UCI said biomedical laser researcher and professor Michael Berns, who founded the university’s Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic, died on Aug. 13. He was 79. … Berns was known for his innovative work using “laser scissors and tweezers” to manipulate cells, university officials said. He was the first person to perform subcellular surgery on chromosomes and helped pioneer laser nanosurgery, according to SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. He eventually earned the nickname “the father of laser microbeams,” and received a gold medal from the organization for his work with lasers. [Subscription required, you can request an electronic copy of the article by sending an email to] Read More

How can CA strategically use every drop of water in its system?

Newsha Ajami, [UCI alumna, Ph.D. in civil and environmental engineering and] chief development officer for research at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, adds that it’s especially important to capture stormwater as droughts are becoming more common. “Water, if we protect it as soon as it hits the ground and keep it clean, we can actually reuse it and repurpose it in various ways, especially during the wet years that we get,” Ajami says. Read More
UCI Gets Most of $8M Grant

2022 Innovator of the Year Award Nominees – Brett Sanders, UCI Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Orange County Business Journal -
Brett Sanders, PhD., is a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Irvine’s Department of Urban Planning and Public Policy. Ever since he was a child, Professor Sanders was fascinated by the everyday implications of how humans interact with water. … Professor Sanders’ research group created the first-ever fine-resolution model of flood risk across the Los Angeles/Orange County floodplain and a public dataset displaying the beach erosion throughout the same region – models used across communities to assess risk and take preventative measures to mitigate urban water damage and coastal erosion. [Subscription required, you can request an electronic copy of the article by sending an email to] Read More
Nature Methods

When labs welcome under-represented groups

Nature Methods -
“Whoa, this is something you can do?” says Angelica Rippee, a Latina who is the first college graduate in her family. “I didn’t know about higher education.” When she applied to the one-week Undergraduate Student Initiative for Biomedical Research (USIBR) in the lab of Michelle Digman in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of California Irvine, “I was a very confused undergraduate student,” says Rippee. Read More
Lit Hub

The Mystery of the Indestructible Beetle

Lit Hub -
Jesus Rivera liked to scan Craigslist for crashed motorcycles. The first one he ever took home was a totaled green Suzuki GSX-R. It took him about a year, tinkering with wires, cutting metal, and forging new parts in the subterranean machine shop of the engineering building at UC Irvine, but he and a small group of fellow grad students in the materials science program eventually turned the motorcycle into a Formula One–style race car. … The first eerie thing Rivera read about the diabolical ironclad beetle, or Phloeodes diabolicus, was the pushpin thing. … As a guy interested in strength, in toughness, in building machines that could withstand high-impact crashes, Rivera was sold. He wanted to look deeper into the beetle, into the structures that made up its armor, to understand it. He looked up where the beetle lived, and was delighted to discover that, apparently, it resided alongside him on UCI’s campus! Read More

A better way to quantify radiation damage in materials -
The technique provides a way to directly measure this damage through the way it changes with temperature. And it could be used to measure samples from the currently operating fleet of nuclear reactors, potentially enabling the continued safe operation of plants far beyond their presently licensed lifetimes. … The research team included Fredric Granberg and Kai Nordlund at the University of Helsinki in Finland; Boopathy Kombaiah and Scott Middlemas at Idaho National Laboratory; and [assistant professor of mechanical & aerospace engineering] Penghui Cao at the University of California at Irvine. Read More
Science Daily

A better way to quantify radiation damage in materials

Science Daily -
A tiny titanium nut that had been removed from inside the reactor was just the kind of material needed to prove that this new technique, developed at MIT and at other institutions, provides a way to probe defects created inside materials, including those that have been exposed to radiation, with five times greater sensitivity than existing methods. … The research team included Fredric Granberg and Kai Nordlund at the University of Helsinki in Finland; Boopathy Kombaiah and Scott Middlemas at Idaho National Laboratory; and [assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering] Penghui Cao at the University of California at Irvine. Read More

The next extreme floods could be even worse, a new study shows. But there's a way to prevent that

Amir AghaKouchak, a co-author, [professor] and civil engineer at the University of California, Irvine, told CNN that many parts of the country — including the St. Louis area and eastern Kentucky — are particularly vulnerable and need to make a lot of improvements to adapt to the rapidly changing climate. "In the US, in many of our cases, we are seeing that more extreme events are happening, which is an important factor that we need to consider," AghaKouchak said. "Our exposure has increased almost everywhere, because there's more development, more industries, buildings, people from all aspects, so our exposure has increased." Read More
Irvine Weekly

UC Irvine using NASA technology to study shoreline erosion

Irvine Weekly -
“It’s not just a California problem, it’s a global problem,” Brett Sanders, Ph.D., professor of civil and environmental engineering at UC Irvine, explained to Irvine Weekly. Now, thanks to a $675,000 grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Sanders and his team of researchers in Irvine and Houston are remotely monitoring the volume of sand on beaches and coastal dunes via satellites. Read More
ASM International

Researchers identify effects of heat in materials with atomic resolution

ASM International -
A team of researchers at the University of California, Irvine, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and other institutions used cutting-edge electron microscopes and novel techniques, to discover a way to map phonons—vibrations in crystal lattices—in atomic resolution, enabling deeper understanding of the way heat travels through quantum dots, engineered nanostructures in electronic components. … “We developed a novel technique to differentially map phonon momenta with atomic resolution, which enables us to observe nonequilibrium phonons that only exist near the interface,” said co-author Xiaoqing Pan, UCI professor of materials science and engineering and physics, Henry Samueli Endowed Chair in Engineering, and IMRI director. Read More
